Types of Peripheral Nerve Damage Surgery to Consider


The nerves connecting to the peripheral nervous system are crucial for relaying information between your body and brain. The messages relayed include involuntary body functions like heartbeat, breathing, blood flow, voluntary movement control, and sensory information. Your body has about 43 different pairs of peripheral nerves that extend from your spinal cord to aid in movement, sensation, and motor coordination throughout your body. When you begin to experience pain, numbness, discomfort, and tingling within your peripheral nerves, you may need peripheral nerve surgery San Bernardino to successfully treat the condition and get lasting relief. Here are four different types of surgery that can be performed on your peripheral nerve system:

  1. Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

The ulnar nerve travels within your body by branching off the brachial plexus nerves as they move at the back and inside your arms. These nerves transmit electrical signals to muscles situated in your forearm and hands. Additionally, they are responsible for your fourth and fifth finger sensations, some part of your palm, and the underside of the forearm area.

When the ulnar nerves are trapped, you will experience pain, tingling, and numbness on your fourth and fifth fingers and forearm. In more serious situations, when you develop ulnar nerve entrapment, you will develop weakness in your hands and suffer muscle mass damage.

In a situation where physical therapy and other types of non-operative treatment fail, your doctor may recommend you undergo a nerve release surgery at the elbow or wrist to correct all the symptoms affecting you.

  1. Peroneal Nerve Injury

Peroneal nerves branch within the body from the sciatic nerve to provide sensation in front and on the sides of your legs to the top side of your feet. They also help control the muscles found in the legs that assist in lifting your ankle and toes upwards.

When an injury occurs to your peroneal nerves, you will experience numbness, weakness, pain, tingling, and in some cases, a gait problem known as foot drop.

Injury to the peroneal nerve may happen when you dislocate your knee, when your leg or knee is fractured, when the nerve is compressed, or during a knee or hip surgery procedure. The doctor may recommend decompression surgery, nerve grafting, tendon transfer, and nerve transfer to repair the injured parts when the injury is severe.

  1. Meralgia Parasthetica

This problem happens when you develop a compression that affects one of the available sensory nerves in your leg called the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This nerve is crucial in providing sensation on your skin layer found on the outer thigh parts, which begins from the inguinal ligament and extends towards your knee.

When meralgia paresthetica nerves compress, you will experience numbness, a burning sensation in your outer thigh parts, and tingling. This condition is caused by weight gain, repetitive leg motion, hip injury, and wearing tight-fitting clothes and heavy belts.

Diagnosis is crucial to determine the root cause of the injury for proper medication. In severe cases, treatment may include surgery to relieve the compression that you experience around the surrounding nerves.

  1. Tumor or Trauma on the Peripheral Nerves

Trauma and tumor development do not commonly happen in peripheral nerves. But when they happen, they will require you to undergo surgery to correct the effect they cause on the nervous areas.

Most traumatic events develop when people are involved in high-speed accidents of various kinds, snowmobile accidents, and serious falls. These accidents may affect the brachial plexus where the nerves branch.

When you develop tumors such as neurofibromas and schwannomas, which may appear anywhere within the peripheral nerve, you will need surgery to remove them.

When you develop a compression, nerve tumor, or traumatic injury which affects the peripheral nervous system, you will require the services of a highly skilled surgeon to recover fully. Ali H. Mesiwala, MD, FAANS, offers this kind of surgery. He uses a wide range of treatment procedures, such as a multidisciplinary approach. He is highly skilled, combining many years of experience in orthopedics, reconstructive and plastic surgery, rehabilitation, neurology, and physical medicine to give you a holistic healing approach to your affected peripheral damaged nerves.


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