Maintaining a home is no easy task. If you want your house to be spick and span so that people who visit you can be truly wowed, you need to make sure it Clean Your House Easily. A dirty house isn’t just an issue of social status; it also poses a health risk for those living there.
But house cleaning in Melbourne involves effort, and that’s why many people try to push it off as much as possible. With these cleaning hacks, you Clean Your House Easily and save on the effort needed to do it.
Lemon for your garbage disposal
The garbage disposal needs to be kept clean and free of muck so that it doesn’t get clogged. There’s an easy way to do this. Cut up a fresh lemon into quarters and put each piece into the garbage disposal while the water is running. This will help to sanitise the garbage disposal while also lending it the fresh aroma of lemons.
Shaving cream to get rid of water stains
It turns out that shaving creams are helpful for a lot more than just shaving. If you’re bothered by the water stains on shower glass, don’t worry. There is an easy way for you to get rid of them. All you have to do is identify the areas that have water stains and then apply shaving cream to these areas. Let it sit for 15 minutes on the surface before you wipe it off.
Baking soda and vinegar for your tub and toilets
Want to walk into a clean bathroom? You have to ensure your tub and toilets are clean. A combination of baking soda and vinegar can help here. Take one cup of vinegar and add half a cup of baking soda to it along with hot water. Pour the mixture into an empty tub or line the insides of a toilet seat with it. Let this sit for 5 minutes before adding more hot water to fill a tub to the quarter. Let this sit for 5 minutes as well. Then, drain and rinse the tub. For a toilet, flush and then wipe the seat.
Lemon oil to remove grease stains
Lemon isn’t just good for your garbage disposal; it also works as a great degreaser so that stubborn grease stains can be removed easily. If you want to get grease stains off your stovetop or your oven, spray a mixture of a cup of water, vinegar and lemon essential oil. Once you spray this, you just have to wipe it clean. If you find yourself struggling with a grease stain, in particular, you can sprinkle baking soda on the area first, then spray it and wipe.
Steam clean your microwave
Why bother taking out your microwave tray and rubbing it clean when you can just steam clean it? First, you will need a microwave-safe bowl to which you should add half a cup of water. Then, add 15 drops of lemon essential oil to it and microwave it on high for about 5 to 10 minutes so that the steam condenses on the inside walls of your microwave. Any food that softens as a result of this domestic cleaning in Melbourne can simply be wiped away.
Get rid of bacteria from your sponges with your microwave
Sponges serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, especially when they are left in the sink. If this is left unattended for a prolonged period of time, it can have negative consequences on your health. One way to get rid of the bacteria in a sponge is to put it into the microwave and turn it up to high for at least 2 minutes. This will kill the bacteria in the sponge and make it ready to use again.
Vodka for market stains
Yes, you heard that right. If you’ve stained your carpet, there’s an easy hack for you that can help keep it Clean Your House Easily. Blot the stain first, and then use clear alcohol like vodka or white wine on the stain to get rid of it.
If these cleaning hacks are still too much trouble for you, you could always opt for professional house cleaning. House cleaning services give you access to trained staff and make use of specialised tools and equipment to reduce the workload for you.