Cleanse Your Space with Crystal Candles

Cleanse Your Space

If there is one thing that is constant in life, it is changing. In fact, many very intelligent people believe that life is all about change, and there are few who could disagree with that. Just look around at nature, and everyone will see rivers and streams moving and taking part of the planet with it, just to deposit it somewhere else to change the landscape. Here is how you can cleanse your space with crystal candles.

Face it; the world around us is always changing because it needs to. When the natural energy surrounding nature begins to stagnate, everything around it becomes stale and it can take on some algae and it can start to smell bad and become less attractive overall.

Do Something to Change Your Current State

The same thing can happen to you because your mind, body, and spirit are strongly influenced by your surroundings and the environment you find yourself in.

When you find yourself surrounded by negative energy in your home, this is not the time to spray chemicals to make your space smell pleasant, but rather to combine crystal energy with Feng Shui to clear the negative energy from your room the right way. 

How to Cleanse Your Space Without Chemicals

Cleanse Your Space requires a lot more than spraying chemicals that purport to smell like “spring rain” or hanging laundry into the air. It’s better to use natural ingredients that have been doing the job successfully for centuries, like incense, sage, and essential oils. Those natural scents will do a lot to reconnect you to nature.

The environment we live in features a need for balance between the physical and energetic realms, not unlike the connection we need among the body, mind, and spirit. That means, when we are cleansing our space, it is essential that we address both realms.

Just as importantly, whichever ritual we decide to use, we have to repeat it a lot, perhaps even daily, especially when someone has been sick, or if a lot of people have been traipsing through your place on a regular basis. 

What is the Best Way to Cleanse a Room of Negativity?

It is not necessary to make your room look like something straight out of Architectural Digest, or even a well-kept mausoleum. After all, we all live in the real world, where everyone lives in a stressed-out, modern mess of a world.

That said, we should also understand the difference between a room looking “lived-in” and one looking like a chaotic mess. That requires you to create a balanced room that you keep balance and harmony most of the time because doing so will mean you’ll only need an occasional dusting to maintain.

One of the easiest ways to Cleanse Your Space of negative energy or “psychic debris” is through the use of crystal candles. Whether you are moving into a  new home for the first time, or you are just noticing an accumulation of negative energy, crystal candles can often be your best friend when it comes to returning balance to your overall environment. 

Which Type of Candle is Best?

One of the finest crystal candles n the market for cleansing negative energy is a candle made of premium soy wax, with a mixture of essential oils, including eucalyptus, peppermint, frankincense, and patchouli, along with botanicals like white sage and rosemary, as well as crystals of amethyst, selenite, and black tourmaline.

After using your crystal candles for a few hours, or even a full day, you also have the option of taking your cleansing even deeper by lighting a second crystal candle. Don’t use the same one, though; care for yourself by using a different crystal candle. In a way, that’s a great way to establish balance.

One popular crystal candle many swear by is the “Heal for Real” candle. This one promises to infuse your space with positivity through the use of the aroma of frankincense. This candle is made with all-natural premium soy wax and is infused with essential oils and recycled glass.


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