Putting Your Design On The Wall

Putting Your Design On The Wall

The urban landscape acts as a giant canvas to graffiti artists. Some artists, such as the English activist Banksy mesmerize the crowd. Banksy has been active since the 1990s and has made a name for himself as a satirical and subversive street artist who isn’t afraid to add dark humor to the graffiti scene. Nowadays, most people who break the bank to obtain an original design by Banksy. In fact, last October, one of his works was sold in an auction in London for over £1m – over $1.23m – and immediately proceeded to self-destruct as the gavel dropped thanks to a shredder hidden inside the picture frame.

But while you can’t be the new Banksy, it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t want to get your work on a wall. Depending on your creative designs and your approach to decoration, there are many ways in which you could land on the wall of your clients.

As an elegant printout

Talented oil or aquarelle painter or pencil artists often wonder how they could boost their reputations. While creating a unique design makes all the difference, turning your design into printable art is the best way for you to get your name out there. Indeed, you can make your work accessible to a variety of individuals who wouldn’t have, otherwise, visited an exhibition. Turning your artwork into home decor is a smart business move that can appeal to many customers.

Make it an inspiring stencil or decal

More and more homeowners are looking for creative options to decorate their home. As a result, it’s not uncommon to find DIY enthusiasts looking for wall decal shapes and stencil designs they can use at home. For instance, a kraken sticker can completely transform the dark bathroom into an underwater world. As an artist, you can focus your effort on designing exciting wall stickers, using a vinyl cutting machine such as www.vinylcuttingmachineguide.com to cut out the shape in a variety of sizes. Your best bet is to tap into the sci-fi and kids anime trends.

Create personalized geometric pattern instructions

Homeowners are seeking imaginative solutions to design a focal point using only paint. The more adventurous DIY-ers are keen to try out geometric patterns on their wall as long as they can find a design that is easy to reproduce. You can offer specialist tutorial for dazzling geometric wall using paint and tape. Indeed, with the right tape – Frogtape is a brand you can recommend your clients – you can guide amateur designers into painting a beautiful diamond wall.

Offer individual murals

Last but not least, talented painters may want to move out of the canvas to explore new horizons and take on new challenges. If you’re going to get your name out there as an artist, you should offer mural painting services to your clients. Both businesses and homes can benefit from an eye-grabbing mural that tells the story of the family or the company.

In conclusion, getting your design on the wall is a matter of how you choose to advertise your work. Whether you’re an interior designer or an artistic painter, there are plenty of alternatives for you to get your business noticed.


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