Big Tips for Transforming Small Yards

Big Tips for Transforming Small Yards

Last Updated on August 30, 2018

You can’t help but feel a twinge of envy every time you pass by your neighbor’s sprawling landscape.

But what exactly can you do with the limited available space on your property?

Well, a lot.

Perhaps it’s just the way the property was when you bought it – great house, but with little outdoor space.

Or maybe, you gradually extended your living space over the last few years to accommodate the needs of your growing family, and now you are left with limited outdoor space.

Small space ≠ fate

True, there are a few advantages to having little to no outdoor space, including allocating limited time and effort toward cleaning and maintenance.

But on the converse side of the coin, an outdoor space, no matter how small, provides a few considerable benefits, including:

  • Stress reduction
  • Improved immunity
  • Relief from symptoms of depression

Working with what you have

According to a landscaping specialist from Liberty Township, OH, homeowners should not be disheartened by the fact that they have a small front or back yard.

With creativity, thorough planning, and help from these professionals, you can make better use with what little outdoor space you have on your property.

If you are strongly considering transforming your small yard into something that is both stunning and functional, here are a few tips that may help you achieve your goal.

1. Color is your friend

Adding lots of flowers will help your small yard stand out against bigger landscapes.

For owners with smaller outdoor spaces, using flowers to add a pop or two of color can instantly add a dash of liveliness.

Furthermore, you can take advantage of having limited available space with a more manageable maintenance schedule. One of the drawbacks of having large available space is that you have to schedule lots of things, from planting to care and maintenance.

2. Consider planting veggies

If you prefer a more utilitarian approach to your small space landscaping project, why not consider planting vegetables instead?

Although veggies are less attractive than ornamental plants, they can compensate through the different benefits they offer.

For one, you can supplement your food budget with your harvest. That translates to bigger savings for you.

Second, a vegetable garden, no matter how big or small, is a great way to engage with the different members of your household, especially your kids.

And speaking of kids, allowing your young ones to help you in tending your garden can be a great way to encourage them to widen their palate and try more veggies.

3. Keep it organized

According to professionals in landscaping from Mason, OH, the diminutive size of your yard becomes more readily apparent if it is too cluttered.

In order to keep things organized, you have to know beforehand what purpose your outdoor space will need to serve. Do you want an ornamental or vegetable garden? Perhaps you just want a cozy outdoor nook to decompress yourself from the stress of daily living. Maybe you want a safe and fun place for play for your kids and your pets.

From there, look at the features that are already present in your yard (trees for example) that you can use to your advantage.

4. Mind the proportions

With a small outdoor space, it may be tempting to downsize the hardscapes that you want to put into place, like walkways and steps.

The drawback to this thinking is that things will look out of proportion, especially when you look at your yard against the backdrop of your home.

Plus, this will do nothing in maximizing and beautifying your limited available space.

Instead of downsizing, choose the right size in proportion to your home. You can make this work by tying the design of your yard with that of your home.

5. Reclaim additional space

Perhaps you are just looking at your back or front yard. But have you considered looking at overlooked space on your property?

First, look at these spaces and how you currently use these. Perhaps, areas at the sides of your house are being used exclusively as a dog run or for storing your garbage bin.

With a little work, you can reclaim such areas for something else, like a mini garden.

Well worth the effort

Working with a limited outdoor space is always a challenge. Think of your outdoor space as a blank canvas – the less items you have on it, the easier it is to move around and create.

But that is also what makes it rewarding – creating a masterpiece with the limited resources you have at hand.