How Is Organic Whey Better than Other Whey

How Is Organic Whey Better than Other Whey

Last Updated on December 27, 2017

We all know how important it is to get enough protein in your diet. Not only is it critical for your health, but it also plays a vital role in muscle growth and repair, healthy organ function, and the production and regulation of hormones. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t get the required amount of protein in their daily diet. That’s why they turn to high quality protein powders for help.

In many cases, whey protein powder is the best option available. Whey is a byproduct of milk, and it has amazing nutritional properties. But not all powders are created equal. You can find out more about this by checking out Organic Whey reviewed by Mark. That said, here is why organic whey is better than other options:

Organic Whey is a “Cleaner” Option

Unlike other options, organic whey protein powder is derived from cows that are not treated with growth hormone, antibiotics, or other synthetic drugs. These cows are also grass-fed throughout the growing season. Furthermore, only non-GMO, organic certified feed is used to supplement their diet.

All these practices ensure that the resultant organic whey protein is the best option for you. Regular and organic whey proteins technically have the same level of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. But there is the question of the quality of these components.

Organic whey provides you with the highest-quality protein possible while protecting you from ingesting substances that are harmful to your health. This is especially true when it comes to growth hormone and antibiotics, which have been proven to have adverse effects on your health in the long run.

Ensuring Animals are Treated Humanely

Modern dairy farming has changed from small, family-run affairs to a vast industrial complex. To ensure maximum efficiency and profits, these farms keep dairy cattle in cramped, crowded buildings. This might be good for business, but it has devastating effects on everything else.

With limited access to pasture, sunlight, and room to move, non-organic cattle go through a lot of trauma and stress. Furthermore, these animals aren’t fed on a typical diet of grass.

Instead, it mainly consists of corn and other “supplements” that such farms have discovered can cut costs and increase production. This could be anything from candy to waste from matter poultry production. Disgusting, right?

As a result, these cows are more prone to infections, diseases, and other negative health conditions. These conditions have even led to bacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics, which could possibly cross over to human populations.

On the other hand, organic whey proteins come from cattle that are treated more humanely.  Most of their diet comes from grass and they have continuous access to pasture. They are also allowed to show natural behavior, which isn’t an option in the industrial farms.

Organic Whey is Great for the Environment

Apart from nutritional benefits, organic grass-fed whey results in great benefits for the environment. It leaves a smaller ecological footprint than other types of whey protein powders. This goes back to the different production processes that go into organic and regular whey.

Simply put, the techniques involved in processing organic dairy products lead to less emission of harmful greenhouse practices. Organic dairy farms also practice good land management through soil conservation. This ensures that the soil’s fertility is preserved.

All in all, organic whey is a great way to consume effective, high-quality product that also has a positive impact on the natural environment.