Intro to the Anabolic Steroids


Last Updated on January 30, 2024

If you are thinking of obtaining some anabolic steroids, it is a great idea to get deeper into research first of all and get acquainted with the stuff that you should know about. This article will be the perfect material right for this purpose.

Starting from the Very Beginning 

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances that are rather similar to the testosterone hormone that is produced in men. The steroids are used for medical purposes in some cases. For instance, they are prescribed by doctors when there is a necessity to treat anemia or increase the level of testosterone. But you should realize that steroids are not prescribed to young people who want to gain body weight. So, if you choose to apply them for such a purpose, it is absolutely your responsibility. However, if you want to succeed, there is nothing insurmountable!

As for the most popular anabolic steroids taken today, here it is:

  • Dianabol;
  • Anadrol;
  • Winstrol;
  • Oxandrin, and others.

Are Steroids Effective Enough?

Yes, they are. Nevertheless, it is important to use them wisely and learn about the side effects. Too much means bad in this case. It is a great idea to consult those who have a certain experience in using anabolic steroids. A nice piece of advice is about to be really cool.

Well, multiple research that was conducted in relation to gaining body weight with the help of exercise and using steroids has shown that the maximum gain was observed in the group of those who combined exercising and applied steroids. And, it means that you are also going to achieve very nice results in case you stick to such an option. The matter is that you will need to find a reliable store to get steroids from too (it is going to be considered below).

A Sort of a Portrait of a Sportsman on Steroids

This is going to be valuable info if you would like to learn to identify a steroid user at first sight (naturally, there may be a simple coincidence which means that it does not work all the time). Besides, this data will help you to realize what you will look like as a result of sticking to anabolic steroids. So, let’s see what is meant here:

  • These people are really lean and big and their muscles are characterized by incredible strength;
  • You are likely to see cool muscle separation if a person is on steroids;
  • A sportsman who is using steroids is dry all year round;
  • A normalized fat-free mass index reaches 25 or more;
  • The strength that characterized these people increases really fast;
  • The proportions of the body are ideal in this case;
  • There may be a male pattern baldness taking place (and acne might also appear).

Gaining Weight by Means of Anabolic Steroids

There are a few steps you may take in order to gain more weight and speed up this process in general if you have decided to stick to steroids. Here they are:

  • Consume a lot of proteins on a regular basis. This means that it is advisable to eat eggs, yogurt, meat, and fish. Besides, it is a nice idea to obtain a protein powder too;
  • Think of changing your daily routine and schedule if it is far from perfect. For instance, you need to sleep no less than eight hours a day. And, it is vital to get enough rest in general;
  • Stick to a highly-intensive training program. It is going to help you gain weight a lot. For example, you may choose to add more sets and reps to increase the overall intensity. Add three more sets of lifts, and think of introducing more reps.

How to Find a Nice Store to Get Steroids from?

There are a few spots to get anabolic steroids, and some of them are even ready to offer you a relevant discount (like 

Well, there are several features to rely on when choosing a good store for obtaining anabolic steroids:

  • The store has a nice site to deal with. It means that you have no difficulty finding what you are interested in (there is a shopping cart and a convenient catalog of the products that are sorted into categories);
  • Some of the most popular products are marked as the best offers and there is a description of every steroid product that helps you to get an overall idea of what the stuff is like at all;
  • You should be able to consult the staff of the store in order to clarify the aspects that may worry you;
  • The prices in the store are adequate and fair (you may compare them with other stores and analyze this aspect);
  • You are able to familiarize yourself with valuable info about the store (when it was created and this kind of stuff).

As for the site, there are also a few aspects that have to be mentioned. It is cool when you are able to take a look at the FAQ section and find the answer to your question. Besides, it is great when a potential customer has a chance to read several articles linked to the topic he is interested in. So, you will both get a nice product and learn vital info that will help you to make fast and advanced progress in the sport you are involved in.

So, it is not that difficult to come up with a nice store to deal with. Be attentive and determined on your way, and you will surely find the product that will satisfy you and will help to gain as much weight as you are dreaming of! The best of luck in everything!