Getting the Body You’ve Always Wanted: What You Must Do

Getting the Body You’ve Always Wanted: What You Must Do
Getting the Body You’ve Always Wanted: What You Must Do

Last Updated on May 7, 2020

To get the body you’ve always wanted, you need to come up with a plan. Just about anybody can get into the shape of their dreams, it just takes consistency and determination. You have to really want it! You can’t sporadically exercise and eat salads and expect to look amazing. Here’s what you must do:

Define Your Goals

Before you can get the body you’ve always wanted, you really need to define your goals. Some people will want to lose fat. Some people will want to get a ‘toned look’ – which is building muscle. Once you know what you want to do, you can come up with the perfect plan to get the body you’ve always wanted. Your plans will more than likely change after a while, as you see your body changing. You might build muscle and then decide you want to maintain what you have. You might lose all of your fat and then decide you want more muscle. Start off by defining your primary goal at the moment.

Do Your Research

Now you can do your research. For people who want to lose fat, you’ll basically need to be in a calorie deficit, but make sure you’re eating the right macronutrients. For those who want to put on muscle, you’ll need to be in a surplus. However, you must train to get great results too. The more research you do and the more you educate yourself, the better.



Overhaul Your Diet

Take a look at your diet and work out how you can improve it to reach your goals. Could you eat cleaner? Eat more? Eat less? Using a special app to track the food you eat will help keep you accountable and on track. It’ll be hard work to eat a lot less/lot more than you’re used to, but to reach your goals you’ll have to do it. You should also include supplements like Gnarly Slim to help you reach your goals. Bear in mind supplements only work if you do. They won’t do the work for you.

Come Up With a Workout Plan

If you know a lot about exercise, you could come up with a workout plan yourself. Even after researching a lot, you might like to create a plan you’ll enjoy doing. However, if you’re just starting, buying a plan from a trainer could be a good idea. You can find cheap plans online that work, just make sure you read the reviews first.

Track Your Progress

Always track your progress! This will keep you accountable and focused when you see just how far you’ve come. Take pictures and measurements each week, and make sure you record them so you can compare as the weeks go on. Weight isn’t the best measurement to go by, so maybe only do that every couple of weeks. As long as the pictures and measurements are improving, it doesn’t matter so much about weight! Do them at the same time to make it fair.

Consistency is the key to getting that body of your dreams. Don’t give up!