Surprise Birthday Gift Ideas For The Boyfriend Who Has Everything

Surprise Birthday Gift Ideas For The Boyfriend Who Has Everything
Surprise Birthday Gift Ideas For The Boyfriend Who Has Everything

So your boyfriend’s birthday is coming up, and you have no idea what to get him. He has plenty of clothes, buys new DVD’s every month and always has plenty of aftershave. You obviously want to give him a present he will adore but thinking of something he doesn’t already have can be difficult. But with some creativity and a little out of the box thinking you can find the perfect gift that he definitely won’t already own. Take a look at these gift ideas and give your boyfriend gift that is truly unexpected.



Framed script extract

This is a perfect gift if your boyfriend is obsessed films and going to the cinema. Find out what his favourite film is and go online to find extracts from the script. You can use sites like IMSDb to find the entire script for thousands of movies. Quickly skim read the script to find a particular scene that you know your boyfriend loves. Copy and paste these dialogue and use it to create a unique framed piece of artwork your boyfriend can hang in his room. You can even decorate the frame yourself or hand type the scene on an old typewriter for an even more personal touch. He will love the attention to detail and it will further enhance his love for his favourite movie.

Buy him tickets

Tickets always make brilliant birthday presents, especially if they come as a complete surprise. Think if there’s an event or band he’s mentioned wanting to see in the past. You can then look online for low cost nfr tickets or festival tickets. You could also check Facebook to see if a particular band are currently touring. This gift will give you both something to look forward to in the coming months and lets you share the experience together. Instead of just putting your tickets into an envelope, why not make it even more special and make your boyfriend a DIY ticket shadow box. You can place the tickets inside, and he can use it to store any other tickets he may have.



Creating a gaming hamper

If your boyfriend spends hours on his games console, instead of discouraging him why not get him a gift that gets you involved too. Create a gaming hamper using a box or basket and fill it with everything you might need for a weekend of gaming. You could buy some second-hand games that you can both play, your boyfriend’s favourite snacks and a comfortable loungewear. He will love that you’re making an effort to get involved with something he enjoys and this hamper will be an incredible surprise. If your boyfriend is not particularly into gaming, you could create a movie night or gym hamper which again you can enjoy together.

Now you have some ideas; there should be nothing stopping you from buying or creating a birthday gift that your boyfriend will love and cherish. Think of what he like and enjoys doing in his spare time and this should make choosing the perfect gift much easier.



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