Garden Design In Small and Humid Places

Garden Design

Designing a garden in small, hot, and humid places is a challenge worth taking! Here are some design ideas and principles to consider to make the most of your tiny space and transform it into a relaxing haven. 

Think Vertically

Vertical gardening is one of the most efficient ways to grow more with less space, which works for various plants, such as vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Using vertical spaces or structures for upward growth, such as fences, walls, railings, containers, and trellises, increases the growing area for your garden. It also frees up valuable floor space, which you can use for more elements in your garden. 

This is also beneficial for your plants since they are not sprawled out on the ground, and more leaf surfaces are exposed to the light, allowing them to grow healthier. Small, humid spaces may lead to the growth of molds and mildew, which cause common plant fungal diseases. Vertical gardening increases air circulation for your plants, which helps reduce their risk of acquiring these diseases. 

Choose Your Plants Carefully

There are certain types of plants that thrive in hot and humid environments, such as ferns, orchids, and ferns. On top of temperature and hardiness, factor in their compatibility with different aesthetic types. When choosing which foliage to include in your garden, it is best to do your research or consult your local gardening center to determine which ones are appropriate for the garden you are designing and ensure that your plants get the proper amount of care. Consider low-maintenance or low-light plants if your space does not get much sunlight. 

Optimize The Placement of Vegetation

Proper layout and placement of each element in your garden can help reduce ambient temperatures and increase comfort. Consider the location of your garden relative to the sun’s rays to determine which areas should be shaded to protect against heat build-up and excessive glare. Placing low shrubs at a distance from the windward side of your garden generates secondary eddies and helps direct airflow into your garden space. 

Utilize The Right Building Materials

Getting your garden design right involves choosing which hardscape and softscape materials to use for aesthetic and functional purposes. Darker color palettes absorb more heat from the environment, and lighter colors reflect light and help minimize heat gain. You can also use decorative mulches such as white gravel or pebbles, which help beautify your garden bed or keep garden pots uniform while keeping out weeds. Joining garden design courses may help you gain additional insight and perspective on the building materials and color palettes suitable for your envisioned garden.

Use Passive Cooling Strategies

Heat and humidity have a significant impact on comfort. In designing your tiny garden, use natural ventilation as a passive cooling strategy. Increase the airflow in your space by incorporating large windows or voids, especially if you are considering an enclosed garden. 

Minimize Heat Gain

Minimizing heat gain can be done by tracking the sun as you design your garden. Gain a basic orientation on which angles of the sun hit your space. Observe during which time of the day sunlight is harsh and when it casts the perfect warm and soft lighting on your garden space. If you plan to spend plenty of time in your garden, even in the midday sun, you can opt for UV-deflecting glass with low e-coating for windows. (kennedyandperkins) You can also vie for using a UV-protective film, which blocks UV rays and transmits 90% of visible light if changing the glass on your window panels is not a preferred option. You may have to consider which foliage you would use, as plants differ in the amount and intensity of light they need to grow and thrive. 







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