How To Support a Loved One As They Move To an Assisted Living Center


No matter how many times your loved one has moved in their life, the transition to an assisted living home can bring about different emotions and be harder to cope with than other previous moves. It can even take some time to convince your loved one, or those taken care of, that it is time to move to an assisted living center, like assisted living in Utah. These moves can still be a stressful time even if everyone is on board with this big change. Although this is a big change and adjustment for everyone involved, there are some ways that you can ease the transition and provide support as your loved one moves on and into this new chapter of their life. 

Validate and Support Their Feelings

Even if everything is going according to plan and your loved one is on board with the assisted living situation, feelings of sadness and loss can still be a pretty big factor in this process. This big change is often accompanied by grief. Your loved one may be mourning their independence or the life they had living with their family members. They could be sad that they are uprooting their life and their home that they have known for so long. Focusing on the positive of this change can be beneficial, but make sure you are validating their feelings along the way. It is important to allow them to adjust and give them space and respect for their changing feelings. There is a good chance that it takes awhile to truly feel happy throughout this process but that is normal. Find ways to sympathize with them and support them however they are feeling during this part of their journey.

Take the Time to Visit and Address Their Concerns 

There is a deep reassurance that can come from visiting your loved one often in their new space. Especially if they have a fear of loneliness, visits or even phone calls from you can make a huge difference in their experience at an assisted living facility. Knowing that they are still loved and cared for is greatly validating. Trying to attend their community events is also a great way to spend time with your loved one and let them know how important they are to you. Concerns are something that may naturally come during this process. In the times you are together, help to address their concerns and find solutions to make their time there more comfortable and enjoyable. Work together to address their concerns so that they can have the best time that they can while they are there. 

Make Their New House a Home

After moving into a new space, it may take some time before it really starts to feel like home to your loved one. Bring some items from their home like pictures or their favorite pillows to help bring some familiarity to their room. Don’t be afraid to help personalize their space and let your loved one have the creative control to make their room a home. The best thing you can do during this journey is to be a strength and support through the hurdles. Validating their feelings and visiting them enhance their experience and improve their quality of life after this big change. 


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