Qualities of a Good Outdoor Security Camera


Are you planning on getting an outdoor CCTV for your business or property? Then you should know that it is important to know more about the qualities of a good outdoor security camera. Security cameras or CCTVs are crucial tools especially for people who own businesses or properties. We, MyCCTV Supplier Malaysia, offer reliable and advanced CCTV camera Malaysia.

It can maximize the security system that you have and assure you that everything will be safe. Having peace of mind is probably one of the best things business owners can have.

With our modern technology, security cameras or CCTVs have greatly improved. There is a huge variety of different types and models nowadays. They work for different purposes. There are security cameras or CCTVs indoors and outdoors.  They have their strengths and weaknesses. 

But what makes it a good security camera or CCTV? Today we are going to discuss the best qualities you should look for in an outdoor security camera or CCTV.

High-Resolution Video

First on the list is a high-resolution video. Having high-resolution video quality can help you identify the people in the footage. It should be visible and sharp enough. This is to identify people’s faces, body structure, and other important features.

Having a low-resolution video quality can affect the usefulness of having a security camera or CCTV. The ability to capture video footage is important. But what will happen if it is not clear? You will not be able to identify and get important clues on the culprit. 1080p and 1440p are already enough quality. But, if you can get a security camera or CCTV better than the mentioned video quality, then it is much better.

Anti-Glare Lens

Next on the list is the anti-glare lens. Having an outdoor security camera can be difficult because of the light coming from the sun. The glare from the light of the sun can hit the lenses of your outdoor security cameras or CCTVs. This can be a hindrance in capturing clear footage. 

The anti-glare lens is designed to avert glare from the light of the sun and other light sources. With that said, it is one good quality outdoor security camera to have an anti-glare lens. Make sure to add this quality to your list. This is to maximize the benefit that you can get from the outdoor security camera or CCTV that you will be purchasing.

Night Vision

The third one on the list is Night Vision. This is the opposite of the second quality of a good outdoor security camera or CCTV mentioned above. Lack of light can be a huge problem in capturing video footage. This can get worse, especially at night when there is total darkness.

Having an outdoor security camera or CCTV that can adjust to these extreme conditions in light is a must. Many types of outdoor security cameras or CCTV with night vision features are available today. That is why it is important to spend a little more time researching to ensure you get the right one. 

Wide Angle Lens

Next on the list is the Wide Angle Lens. If you want to lessen the number of outdoor security cameras or CCTV that you will be using, then get one with Wide Angle Lens. Outdoor security cameras or CCTV with wide-angle lenses can cover larger areas and provide fewer blind spots to intruders. You can get this benefit from an outdoor security camera or CCTV without tilting and panning. 

Motion Sensor Technology

Another important quality of a good outdoor camera or CCTV is motion sensor technology. This technology in an outdoor security camera can detect movements in its coverage. You can change the setting in your security camera system to alert you if ever there is any strange movement.

This kind of technology in an outdoor security camera or CCTV can ensure your safety. The assurance that your business or property has a lesser probability of getting intruded on. You can prevent any mishap or break-in while the intruder is still luring outside your business or property.


Weather-resistant is also an important quality of a good outdoor security camera or CCTV. Since it is an outdoor security camera, the weather can greatly affect its purpose. An outdoor security camera or CCTV should be able to withstand heat, cold, strong wind, heavy rain, and other extreme weather conditions.

As they say, always go for quality. Outdoor security cameras with good quality are usually made of steel. It can withstand harsh elements and extreme conditions in weather. Outdoor security cameras with poor quality are usually made from cheaper materials. This has a high possibility of warping or deforming over time, affecting your security camera or CCTV


Vandal-proof is also part of the list. Since outdoor security cameras are exposed, a lot of things can affect their purpose. One of those is the criminals who are planning to break into your business or property. Security cameras or CCTVs can only capture videos, they cannot take action against criminals who can tear down and disable your security cameras or CCTV without hesitation. 

Criminals and intruders would do such acts to remove any evidence. This is why it is important to have enough protection to your outdoor security camera. 


Last on the list of qualities of a good outdoor security camera or CCTVs is unobtrusiveness. Many people like to make their outdoor security cameras or CCTVs noticeable. They do this to let the intruders know that they have a security system in their house and this will give them a hard time.

Some people do not want intruders or criminals to know that they have a security system. If so, then get a discreet outdoor security camera.


Getting an outdoor security camera or CCTV camera is more difficult than an indoor one. Outdoor security cameras have a wider range to cover with more risk of getting damaged from the harsh elements outside. Listed above are the qualities of a good outdoor security camera or CCTV that you should consider.

MyCCTV Supplier Malaysia will assist you to achieve the level of security you want. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact or visit us at https://www.mycctvsuppliermalaysia.com.


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