Pediatric Sleep Disorders – What to Know

Sleep Disorders

Why does sleep matter so much for children? Children need enough sleep so that they can grow healthy and strong. Usually, sleep helps your child’s brain development process, among other body functions. () Children should sleep for 12 hours and up to 16 hours for infants. This is because inadequate sleep in children may interfere with their health and life function. The Glendale pediatric sleep disorders specialist at Sonoran Sleep Center provides the necessary care to help your child get enough sleep. Here is what to note about pediatric sleep problems.

What are pediatric sleep disorders?

Pediatric sleep disorders are health issues that affect the sleep quality of children, infants, and teenagers.

A phase of poor sleep is normal in children; however, you may need to see a doctor when it occurs frequently. You may also see a sleep health provider when your child experiences difficulties concentrating, drowsiness, or remembering things. An early evaluation and treatments may lower your risk of severe cases and better the child’s life quality.

What are some of the common pediatric sleep disorders?

The team at Sonoran Sleep Center provides comprehensive care for various pediatric sleep disorders, such as:

Childhood Insomnia

It causes your child to not fall or stay asleep. Childhood insomnia may also make your child not go to bed without you or their preferred toy or blanket.


This sleep disorder causes extreme daytime sleepiness. Hypersomnia occurs due to other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and delayed sleep phase syndrome.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

It occurs mainly in teens and tweens. Delayed sleep phase syndrome causes children to not drift off to sleep until after spending hours in bed. It makes waking up for school hard.


It involves a group of uncomfortable physical symptoms in children and teens during a night of rapid-eye-movement sleep. It includes sleep talking, night terrors, and sleepwalking.

Sleep Apnea

It happens when your child stops and starts breathing several times during sleep. Sleep apnea may also occur in children with cleft lip, palate, or large tonsils.

Diagnosis of pediatric sleep disorders

Your provider at Sonoran Sleep Center offers patient-centered care to address your particular concerns. They assess your child’s health history and discuss their symptoms. They may also suggest lab tests, modifications to sleep habits, and sleep studies.

What are the treatments for pediatric sleep disorders?

There are different treatments for your child’s pediatric sleep disorder. Different circumstances may determine the treatment, including the existing condition and your child’s symptoms.

Your provider at Sonoran Sleep Center may recommend prescription medications and healthy lifestyle modifications to improve your child’s sleep. If your child’s sleep problem is due to a behavioral disease, then your provider will refer you to a specialist.

Sleep is critical in children; it helps with their body development. It affects their happiness, alertness, attention, mood, learning and memory, cognitive performance, resiliency, and more. Inadequate sleep is harmful to their health and daily activities; it may also increase their risk of health conditions, such as anxiety, diabetes, and obesity.

If your child has sleeping problems, some treatments can help them sleep better. Contact Sonoran Sleep Center to schedule your appointment.


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