3 Ways To Be a Good Samaritan


Being a good Samaritan means doing things to help others without being asked and without expecting recognition or praise for what you did. It can be helping at an accident or going out of your way to bring food to an elderly neighbor. Many people refer to it as doing random acts of kindness, but you can take it a step further by being always open and ready to help others. You can look for opportunities to help others instead of waiting for them to randomly happen.

Here are three ways you can be a good Samaritan.

1. Become a secret Santa.

Christmas is always a tough time for families experiencing financial difficulties, and it can also be hard for parents to ask for help depending on their situation. You can be a good Samaritan by becoming a secret Santa for a family during the holidays. You can get kids gifts for each child in the family. If you know the family well, you can get items you know they are already interested in. If you don’t personally know them, you can talk to people to get some ideas. You can also shop for popular toys and video games for their age group. You can also order personalized blankets or pillows through a company like Shutterfly, which the parents would also enjoy.

Many organizations pair families with secret Santas during the holiday season. If you do not know a family, want to help, or want to ensure you remain anonymous, going through a local organization may be the best approach. This way, you will also get a list of genders and ages for the family members to make gift-giving a little easier.

2. Get certified in CPR.

You can get your CPR certification online so that if you are ever in a situation where someone needs CPR, you are ready to help. You can also get certified in first aid and AED. The online class includes course material from an instructor, an exam, and a certificate to keep afterward. When emergencies happen, there is an initial panic. Being trained in cpr london, first aid, and AED will help you remain calm because you know what needs to be done until the emergency services get there. Taking online classes is easy: You can work at your own pace and from your home. You can also take this training a step further and get trained on the Heimlich maneuver so you can help when someone is choking.

3. Carry Narcan.

In the last few years, the country has faced an opioid epidemic exacerbated by the recent pandemic shutdowns. Sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers have been lost to overdoses. Narcan is a nasal spray that can counteract the effects of an overdose if administered quickly. You can be a good Samaritan by carrying Narcan with you. If you are out and see someone pass out from a possible overdose, administering a dose of Narcan can keep them alive until emergency services can arrive. The training for Narcan is easy and can be received through the local health department. Narcan does not hurt people who do not have drugs in their system, so if you administer Narcan not knowing if the person is overdosing, they will not be hurt. Much like being trained in CPR, carrying Narcan can allow you to step in and help when needed.

The willingness to be a good Samaritan shows that you are a good person and care about other people. You want to help when help is needed and provide kindness and love when people are down. Being a good Samaritan is showing people that they matter, and that is never a bad thing.


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