Visiting the Dentist during Covid

visiting the Dentist during Covid

Since the moment it was first discovered then spread worldwide, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on what we considered ‘normal’ and necessitated the institution of sweeping changes everywhere. The most significant concern has become hygiene and taking enough precautions to maintain as high levels of hygiene as we can. Reassurances have been given that going to the dentist remains safe as high levels of hygiene are maintained in the offices. Seeing your dentist for a regular check-up, or if you have a concern, is still vital in maintaining oral health. Here are a few more things you should be aware of if you need to visiting the dentist during covid:

Determine the Severity Of Your Condition

Take note of how severe your complaint is. Knowing the extent of your ailment determines the urgency with which you should seek a dentist’s attention. Some examples of conditions that require urgent attention include:

  • A broken tooth, especially if it has sharp edges which may cause further injury.
  • Swelling in the face, cheeks or gums.
  • Mouth ulcers have failed to heal for a fortnight.
  • There has been an incident resulting in a tooth being knocked out.
  • Constant severe and chronic pain.
  • Infections or tooth abscesses.

These are just a few conditions; there are many others. If you do come down with an ailment that may be considered severe or urgent, do not hesitate to visit a dentist at the earliest opportunity.

On the other hand, if you do not feel as though your complaint is serious enough to be classified as urgent or an emergency, make an effort to set up an appointment regardless, even if it is just a routine check-up. Many dentists agree that maintaining oral health is crucial, so you should not use Covid as an excuse to skip a dentist visit. 

Waiting for the all-clear to be announced can be tricky as it is a global concern, so authorities cannot yet establish a firm timeline of when we will be free of the virus. For this reason, doctors are encouraging everyone to make an appointment to see a dentist as soon as they are able. This way, you can ensure that your mouth remains in good health, or that the dentist can catch emerging issues before they become more serious.

Office Adjustments

That said, encouragement to go to the dentist’s office is not being given arbitrarily. Every effort is being made to ensure that you remain safe even in the office environment. There are safety guidelines that have been put in place to cater to the need for more vigilance to avoid the spread of COVID. As you plan the next visit to your dentist’s office, keep in mind that:

  • Fewer appointments are made available.
  • Patients should come alone or have just one person accompanying them if necessary.
  • You will be asked to stand in a certain way at the reception desk.
  • Chairs in waiting rooms are spaced out more to maintain distance between patients.
  • Patients are seen in rotating treatment rooms to facilitate cleaning and airing between patients.
  • Wearing masks is required for everyone. The only time you will remove yours is when the doctor is performing the examination. The doctors will be wearing masks and face shields.

Oral health is an essential component of overall health and should not be overlooked or ignored. Dentists are making every effort to keep their offices safe enough to allow patient visits. As long as you join us in taking the proper precautions, these actions will preserve your safety and ours, so do not delay further in calling your dentist’s office to make an appointment.



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