Last Updated on March 11, 2023
What are the big spenders when it comes to household energy? Heating water is one of them. This energy drain that you probably don’t even think about accounts for about 23% of your total energy bill. Want to see your energy bill go down? Find ways to reduce your energy consumption for heating water. You can do this either by using less water or wasting less energy. ( Let’s look at a few ways you can save hot water costs.
1. Get New Appliances
Newer appliances are more energy-efficient than older models. This will help cut down on the amount of energy needed to perform the task they were designed for.
When it comes to saving on hot water costs, the laundry machine and the dishwasher tend to be the biggest offenders. If your dishwasher is older anyway, updating to a newer model is an easy way to see savings on your bill. Also, never run a partially empty dishwasher. It will use the same amount of water and energy to wash fewer dishes.
For the laundry machine, you should consider a front loader. This design uses nearly half the amount of water as a top-loading machine.
Also, you don’t need to wash all your clothes in hot water, just the necessary ones like socks and underwear loads. Cold or lukewarm water is gentler on your clothes anyway and will extend their lifespan, helping you save money in other ways too.
2. Replace Your Shower Head
New energy-efficient appliances are a big financial commitment and only a viable option if you already need new ones. If you’re looking for a cheaper way to start saving, consider changing out your showerheads for low-flow ones.
Modern low-flow showerheads are designed to give you the same relaxing shower but use less water to do it. It’s an inexpensive way to save without changing any of your habits!
Of course, you can up the savings even more by committing to taking shorter showers.
3. Insulate Your Water Heater
If you have an older hot water system, it’s possible that it isn’t insulated. This means that your system is constantly losing heat instead of retaining it. In this case, your system could benefit from an insulation blanket.
How do you know if you need to insulate it? Check the owner’s manual for the R-value of your water tank. If it’s less than R-24, your system would appreciate a snug coat.
5. Get a New System
Alternatively, if your system is really old or frequently having problems, it might be best to replace your existing system altogether. Newer systems are more energy-efficient, plus you can choose a different, less expensive energy source if you would like to.
Cutting Costs the Easy Way
The great thing about saving money on hot water is that your efforts usually pay off in two ways. Your wallet is happy and so is the environment. With all of us doing our part, we can enjoy the high standard of life we have today without such a drastic effect on the environment.