What Does an Arborist Do for Trees?

What Arborist Trees

 Arborists offer many services for your trees that help them stay strong and healthy. Arborists are qualified professionals when it comes to tree care. They specifically study the structure of trees and learn how several different tree species need to be cared for. Not only can they bring your diseased trees back to life, but they can also give solid advice to someone who might not be as knowledgeable on how to properly care for their trees. Some of the services offered by arborists include pruning and trimming, tree and stump removal, treating sick and diseased trees, cabling, and offering tree reports. Lets see What Does an Arborist Do for Trees?

  1. Pruning and Trimming

Pruning and trimming are sometimes used in the same context, but they are not the same thing! While the way in which arborists complete both of these tasks might be similar, the techniques are done for different reasons.


Pruning is done for the safety of the tree. Arborists will prune trees to remove any dead or diseased branches that might cause the tree more harm in the long run. If arborists don’t remove the diseased branches from the tree, the disease can spread throughout the tree and cause more problems for the tree and the trees around it. Arborists may also prune your trees to protect any property or people nearby from falling branches.


Trimming, however, is done to cut back overgrown trees. Pruning is more corrective, while trimming is preventative. Regular trimming prevents the need for pruning because trimming encourages trees to have a strong structure and promotes more growth. Arborists will be able to determine how to trim trees to promote the best amount of growth, and they will be able to give advice on how often your tree needs to be trimmed.

  1. Tree and Stump Removal

While arborists help sick trees and keep the healthy trees healthy, they also offer services for trees or stumps that need to be removed. There are many reasons why an arborist might remove a tree. These include:

  • If the tree is dead
  • If the tree is diseased and beyond help
  • If the tree is too damaged
  • Or if the tree just isn’t the best for the environment around it

Most of the time, if an arborist removes a tree from your property, they will also remove the stump. Some people may decide to leave the stump, but this isn’t the best idea. Tree stumps can cause a lot of issues. It can attract pests and insects, it can make it difficult to cut the grass, it can be a tripping hazard, and it’s just unattractive on your property! There are many ways to go about removing a stump, so instead of trying to figure out the best way to do it yourself, let the experts from Kerrville Tree Service Pros assess the situation and decide the safest way to do the job. That’s what they’re best at!

  1. Treating Sick and Diseased Trees

The average person doesn’t know much about tree care, so it would be hard to determine what is wrong with your tree and how to help it. Arborists offer their services in treating any sick and diseased trees and, ideally, restoring them into strong and healthy trees. Different types of trees can be susceptible to different types of conditions and illnesses, for example a pine tree and an olive tree will typically have different issues and need to be treated differently, and not a one size fits all approach.

The first thing an arborist will do to treat your tree is inspect it. They will determine the tree’s species, what type of illness or disease the tree has, inspect the surrounding area in case it has spread, and then they will decide on a treatment plan.  Common tree diseases include:

  • Root rot
  • Fruit tree diseases
  • Cypress canker
  • Peacock spot disease
  • Myrtle rust
  • And many more

Arborists will determine the disease your tree is suffering from and tell you the best course of action to save the tree!

  1. Cabling

If your tree’s structure is struggling, it may need cabling. Cabling is a service offered by arborists to help support weak tree structures. This technique is mostly needed if you live in an area that is impacted by bad weather or heavy winds. Bad weather can cause your tree to stress and can hurt the overall structure. Cabling is also used if the tree is growing in an odd way and needs assistance.

If an arborist determines that your tree could benefit from cabling, they will climb the tree and drill holes in the trunk or the branches and insert a cable. The cable will keep the tree secure and help it grow correctly. If cabling is done incorrectly, it can result in girdling, which will eventually kill your tree by blocking it’s flow of nutrients. Qualified arborists are trained on how to properly do this and won’t cause any further harm to your trees. So, it’s important to leave it to the professionals!

  1. Tree Reports

If you would like an assessment on your tree or trees, arborists offer this as a service as well! Many people want a tree report to have information on the current state of their trees, and it’s also something people do who are looking to buy a house or property that has large trees on it. Since upkeep on large trees can become pricey, it’s important to know the current state of any trees that might have problems before deciding to buy property.

The main thing arborists will look for during an inspection is anything that may lead the tree to failure in the future, such as weak structure, disease, or infestation. After an inspection, arborists will complete a tree report on their findings and may provide recommendations if it’s needed.

Arborists are tree experts. While they do offer services such as pruning and trimming, tree and stump removal, tree disease treatment, cabling, and extensive tree reports, they also offer so much more information about many different tree species. They can answer any questions you may have about your trees and offer a variety of treatments to help keep them strong and healthy. Everyone wants to do what’s best for their trees— arborists included! They will be willing to help you with any of your tree needs!


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