Cost Of A Hair Transplant In Los Angeles

Cost Hair Transplant Los Angeles

Are you losing hair thick and fast and feeling insecure because of thinning of hair on your scalp? Large numbers of men and women suffer from the problem of hair loss these days. Premature hair loss makes an individual look older than he or she is and also makes them feel less attractive in the eyes of others. Thankfully, there is a way of dealing with this problem of hair loss called hair transplant. If you are living in a major city in the U.S. like Los Angeles, you can easily get hair grafted on the part of the scalp where it is thinning or the whole head if you have become bald. Most people are today aware of this hair restoration technology called hair transplant, but they have confusion regarding the cost of a hair transplant in Los Angeles. 

How much do you need to pay? 

There is no fixed cost of hair transplants in Los Angeles. There is no clear cut answer to the question of the cost of a hair transplant. There are many factors that control and influence the cost of hair transplant. This cost goes up as the area of the scalp over which grafting is needed increases. Less numbers of hair grafts are needed for thinning of hair at the front when the patient has become completely bald. 

Another factor affecting the cost of hair transplant is the method chosen by the doctor. There are basically two methods of hair transplant:

  • Follicular Unit Extraction or FUR
  • Follicular Unit Transfer or FUT

Both these hair transplant methods are used by surgeons in Los Angeles with their own advantages and disadvantages. There are differences in cost of these methods that must be kept in mind along with their pros and cons. Hair transplant method called FUE is more expensive than FUT because it involves removal of individual follicular units. Still, large numbers of patients choose FUE over FUT as it is a more comfortable procedure and does not leave behind any scarring on the scalp that is visible after FUT. Patients opting for FUE pay more, but then they also benefit in several ways. 

Irrespective of the hair transplant technology that is chosen by the doctor, it is always important to keep in mind your own goals and budget. The skills and the experience of the doctor performing hair transplant procedure play a crucial role in the results obtained by the patient. There are many doctors offering the facility of hair transplant to their patients. It is always a good idea to take a close look at the certifications, the artistic skills and the experience of the doctors, and the facilities provided at the clinic before finalizing the facility in Los Angeles. 

Cost depends upon how many grafts you need

The cost of hair transplant is largely dependent upon the number of hair grafts that are needed to restore hair and the confidence of the patient. The average cost of hair transplant in Los Angeles done by the best LA hair transplant doctors is around $7-$9 per hair graft. So if your doctor recommends 1000 grafts to restore hair on your scalp, the total cost of hair transplant in your case would be anywhere between $7,000 and $9,000. But, if you don’t want to shave your head, the cost can go up to $12-$14 per graft.

Remember that every graft transplants not one but 2 hairs on your scalp. 1000 grafts mean 2000 new hair on your head. You can add up the cost as the numbers of grafts required increase. In general, nearly 4000 to 5000 grafts are required to restore hair on the scalp of a patient who has become bald. 

Extra cost of treatment related to recovery

There are always some additional costs involved with a hair transplant procedure. You have to take into account medications and anesthetics given by the doctor before and during the procedure of hair transplant. These medications help to reduce the discomfort and pain experienced by the individual because of the transplant procedure. Then there are anti-inflammatory medications given by the doctor to reduce any inflammation experienced by the patient post surgical procedure. In some cases, doctors need to prescribe antibiotics for the patient to prevent any chances of infection in the scalp. If there is any infection after the transplant, it is the patient who has to bear the cost of treating it. 

Keep in mind that this is the basic cost of hair transplant that usually increases as you go for a more qualified and highly experienced doctor in Los Angeles. Another thing to remember is that insurance companies treat hair transplant as a cosmetic procedure and so they will not bear the cost of hair transplant in part or full. You have to pay the entire cost of hair transplant out of your own pocket. But when this hair transplant restores hair on your scalp and transforms your life, the cost of hair transplant does not appear to be very high. 


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