10 Benefits of an Emergency Light

benefits of an emergency light

Things like natural disasters happen with a large frequency throughout the world wreaking havoc on everything in their wake. Sometimes homes and businesses are destroyed and people lose everything. There is no doubt about it, nothing is comparable to experiencing the after-effects of a natural disaster. They can rip down powerlines and demolish any property and cause devastating structural damage. You will appreciate having luxuries like power and the ability to navigate through your home which is why manufacturers have seen a need to produce a light source if you lose power. Below are the benefits of an emergency light

It Can Protect Businesses 

Emergency lighting isn’t only beneficial in the time of a crisis but it can be crucial to survival. Businesses can benefit by having these installed on the property along with a camera system. If someone breaks into the business at night, you will be able to see exactly what is going on via your recorded camera system and lighting in the parking lot. 

They Are Easy To Install 

If you have a problem installing lights or find this to be an overwhelming endeavor, then you should fear not. These lights are extremely simple to install and don’t require much maintenance. For the simple fact that your property will have light coverage alone, is more reason to consider implementing them on the premises. 

Could Save Your Business From Financial Ruin 

Making sure you are following the rules before you install lights on any property is important. This is especially pertinent if you are managing or the owner of a business. Having an added level of coverage if you have financial liability could potentially save you from ruin. Luckily these lights comply with the requirements with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order) that commercial properties have to follow. 

Help You Save Money and Time 

Saving money should be an important part of everyone’s financial plan. Luckily these lights can save you a lot of money and heartache especially if you own a business. A power outage can be devastating and prohibit productivity. But if you have these lights if your business does lose power, your employees may still have a safe place to work while they wait on power to restore. 

Can Help Provide Lights For Homes 

These lights are also made for residential areas and have been keeping homes safe for years. It can be hard to see at night if you don’t have a light to guide you from your car to your front door. Having an emergency light illuminate your way could potentially keep you away from harm. 

LED Lighting is Cost-Effective

If you do decide to install an emergency light, you must consider getting LED lighting. The EBULBS that you could purchase via the Boundery website is affordable in comparison to competitors and energy-efficient. They also are the only self-charging bulb that will turn back on in the event of a power outage. If you do decide to with these bulbs you are entitled to a lifetime warranty at an added cost. 

The Batteries Charge Themselves and They Are Easy to Install 

The EBULB could be a crucial element in restoring order after losing power. While you may think that this bulb will eventually run out of charge, you’d be mistaken. These bulbs come equipped with rechargeable batteries that recharge themselves. Also, no pesky installation is required for this product. They are foolproof and anyone can use them. Simply screw the bulb into any regular socket and watch it light up. 


The Boundery’s EBULB also provides 25,000 hours of light and can last up to 50 times longer than traditional bulbs. If you aren’t sold on the benefits of the EBULB yet, keep in mind that they turn themselves on during a blackout so you are provided with a source of light in an emergency. What more could you want in an emergency light bulb?


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