Spend Less Time on Homework: Tips to be more efficient

Spend Less Time on Homework

Last Updated on March 14, 2024

Students often spend a lot of time in school and still have to accomplish their homework assignments when they get back home. Because of this, a huge proportion find themselves tired and zoned out when doing homework, and as a result, end up with uncompleted or poorly accomplished assignments. So how can a learner become more efficient and spend less time on homework or custom coursework?

Ways of Spending less Time Doing Homework

As a student climbs the academic ladder, their homework burden continues to grow. Having an enormous amount of homework without a proper plan can lead to endless time getting wasted in the name of doing the said assignments. So a student has to do some tweaks into their study routine to assist them in spending less time and getting as much homework as possible accomplished. Here, a plan to help you become more efficient in carrying out your homework.

  • Create a list. You have to create a list having everything that you should complete on any single evening. It should comprise of rereading notes to things like self-administered quizzes on a foreign language’s vocabulary like Spanish. 
  • Make a time estimation for every item you have listed. It’s crucial to become more ruthless in shaving at least five to ten minutes of the time you initially stipulate for each task. However, ensure you remain realistic in your abilities and the complexity of the assignment. 
  • Collect every gear you may need for the homework assignment. It can range from a pencil, pens, notebooks, to a laptop, among others. Lacking any of the required supplies for doing your homework can derail your concentration and waste time when you try to find them in the middle of the assignment. 
  • Unplug. The continuous beeps and sounds emanating from your electronic devices can become a huge distraction in trying to finish your assignment on time. Therefore, try and unplug or switch off your tablets and smartphones. Alternatively, you can leave the devices in a different room until your break or completion of the task. 
  • Time yourself. It’s always crucial to take stock of the time you spend on an activity or task. You then have to time yourself in creating more effective plans for your subsequent study sessions.
  • Avoid deviating from your task, regardless of the various temptations you might face. It can become increasingly easy for you to start browsing other things when checking for specific facts online. Because of this, write the specific information you must seek online and do the search at the end of your homework session.
  • Get enough study breaks. Almost everyone requires a study break when doing homework or studying. It becomes important to take an active break to maintain your energy levels. Such breaks can include a tech break to appraise yourself on what’s going on. Remember, you must time your breaks to avoid spending longer stretches doing unnecessary things. 
  • Reward yourself. You have to have a reward system for any work you accomplish. For instance, when you finish a task early, you can allocate the extra time to your break or dedicate it to your subsequent task to finish up on everything early and concentrate on other things like Netflix.


Spending less time on homework means an improved efficiency and better quality of the output. Following such tips can go a long way in helping you reduce the overall time you take on homework.