Understanding how CBD Oil can Benefit Your Health Regimen

Need to Know About CBD Vape

Last Updated on March 21, 2024

In our efforts to improve health and well-being, the importance of a proper, balanced diet cannot be overstated. Your body requires a specific amount of nutrients for proper function as well as repair and recovery. It’s difficult to get your daily recommended amount of vitamins and minerals through food alone. Many people boost their nutrient intake through the use of supplements, some of which provide general multivitamin benefits, while others target specific health concerns and conditions. From weight loss to immunity support, many supplemental products are available to be implemented to help you achieve your specific health goals.

As marijuana becomes legal in more states, the spotlight on a marijuana extract known as or cannabidiol or CBD has continued to grow as not only a treatment for certain chronic conditions, but also as a supplement. Unlike the full marijuana plant, CBD does not have the psychoactive properties associated with tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. While you can’t get “high” on CBD, it is believed to provide certain health benefits. CBD oil refers to the mixture of this extract with a carrier oil, such as coconut or avocado. It is often available as a tincture in various strength levels and sold as capsules, under-the-tongue sprays and even gummies.

Understanding the Impacts of CBD Oil

Unlike THC, the exact way that CBD works is still a mystery. While THC binds to certain cannabinoid receptors in the brain, CBD is believed to affect opioid and glycine receptors, which respectively, regulate pain and the “feel-good” hormone, serotonin. The “entourage effect” describes how the various components in cannabis work together to produce a great effect. It’s important to understand the differences in CBD oil types, some of which contain trace amounts of THC and their possible effect on your body, including showing up in your system as a part of a drug test. As scientists understand more about CBD’s impact on the body, more insight will be gained on how it can be used as a treatment and possibly, a cure.

Managing Pain

Many people have sung the praises of CBD oil when it comes to pain relief. Medical marijuana is often prescribed for patients dealing with chronic pain that is not easily managed or controlled. There is some evidence that CBD plays a factor in this benefit. Experiments with rodents have shown that regular CBD treatments helped to reduce nerve-based pain and inflammation. It is believed that CBD’s binding to glycine receptors controls the speed of the passage of signals between nerve cells, resulting in a lessening of pain. Research continues with a special focus on specific conditions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis as well as pain associated with cancer treatment.

Maintaining Heart Health and Lowering Blood Pressure

CBD oil shows promise as a supplementary treatment for hypertension or high blood pressure. Ongoing research showed that regular use lowered systolic blood pressure and the amount of blood remaining in the heart after a heartbeat also known as stroke volume, for patients exposed to stress. This latter finding means that CBD may be great for helping the heart to pump more efficiently. Reduced hypertension and efficient pumping effectively improve heart health, especially for those who are regularly involved in stressful situations. Unfortunately, there is not sufficient evidence that CBD can work alone as a treatment for high blood pressure.

Sustaining Brain Health

Recent research suggests that CBD oil may be effective at protecting against brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nature of CBD protects brain cells from free radical damage and lowers inflammation while also helping to generate new brain cells. The Food and Drug Administration approved a drug containing CBD for the treatment of certain types of seizures. There is evidence that CBD may also increase the efficacy of certain seizure medications. It has stronger antioxidant properties than some vitamins. When combined with its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, regular intake of CBD oil can be a natural way of promoting brain health.

While the jury is still out when it comes to the effectiveness of CBD oil for various chronic conditions, there is encouraging evidence that regular use can have positive effects on your health and wellness. CBD is available in various forms and concentrations, so you’ll need to do your homework when it comes to the best way to incorporate it into your diet. Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a CBD regimen.