How to Revise Effectively During IAS Exam Preparations?

How to Revise Effectively During IAS Exam Preparations

Last Updated on February 27, 2020

Your concern for how to revise effectively during IAS Exam preparations is logically convincing as revisions play an important role in helping you crack the CSE with tremendous success. Most of the Best IAS Coaching in Delhi insist upon making the importance of revisions clear to their students. 

Sadly enough, revising effectively is an activity that usually stands ignored! Most of the times, the IAS aspirants are simply obsessed with reading everything and anything (pertaining to the UPSC syllabus, of course). 

What makes revisions indispensable?

Whatever you have been reading is not going to come to anything if you cannot recall the required information when it is most needed to, i.e., during the IAS Exam! It only implies that simply comprehending well whatever you read is far from sufficient if you want to face the IAS Exam successfully.

Thus, apart from grasping well what you read from a book, newspaper/magazine or gain in a class room coaching session, you should also be able to retain (whatever you have been studying) in your memory for much longer span of time than people usually do. 

It is highly essential for you are going to face the most competitive and toughest of the tough Exams and that is IAS Exam. And it is the practice of revising regularly that comes to your rescue if you aim at retaining what all information you have gained in your memory for longer than usual time periods. 

How to revise effectively for the IAS Exam?

Well, the IAS Exam is definitely not the first exam that you are going to prepare for. UPSC allows a candidate to apply for the Civil Services Exam provided he is a graduate at least. It is one of the major eligibility criteria. Other criteria of course apply.

However, it is wiser not to feel over confident even if you pride yourself on a good academic record. Scoring well in all the exams till you graduate of course goes to your credit. But it is none other than the IAS Exam that you are going to prepare for right now. So, so you have to opt for a properly thought of strategy not only to prepare, but also to revise effectively.

Tips to revise effectively for the IAS Exam

If you aim at retaining all that you have been studying in your memory for long enough to recall it all when required during the IAS Exam, you will have to opt for a well thought of strategy to revise well. 

Here are a few tips to do the same: 

  • Keep a provision for time to revise: If you think that studying is of prime importance and you may revise at any time you feel like, you are definitely going to damage the positive effects of your preparation and would have to blame no one, but yourself for the same. It always makes sense to keep a provision of time for revisions also and do nothing else, but revise in that particular time slot. And the practice needs to be continued regularly. As you persevere in your preparation for the IAS Exam, you must revise also with the same frame of mind, i.e., persevere and revise regularly! 
  • Take down a note of all your queries: Well, the practice of taking down notes while studying does pay. It helps you to revise. However, while making revisions, you might feel that you have a few more queries that need to be answered well. So, it is good to take down a note of all the queries also and ask your faculty if you have been receiving coaching at an IAS Coaching in Delhi to answer them. 
  • Keep all the diversions/distractions/disturbances at bay: You should never make the mistake of underestimating the importance of revisions. If you make it sure that you are to keep any kind of the diversions/distractions/disturbances at bay while preparing for the IAS Exam, you should be careful in the same manner while making the revisions as well if you want the revisions to be effective enough when it comes to facing the CSE successfully.
  • Spare the time not as a routine, but in a qualitative manner: As has already been said earlier that you must keep a provision for time to make the revisions, simply revising regularly at the time pre-decided is not going to be sufficient when it comes to face the IAS Exam. The time that you spare for revising should be employed well in a qualitative manner. That is to say, you have to focus well on revising with thorough concentration.

  • Make a self assessment: While revising, you are quite likely to come across many of your weaknesses as well as the strengths concerning the preparation for the IAS Exam. In order to make the revision a successful effort, it would be better that you make appropriate efforts to overcome your weaknesses and strengthen your plus points further. Doing so in a sincere manner will help you prepare for the IAS Exam in a more competitive manner than what you had been doing earlier. Thus, not only would you be able to score well, but you will also be able to gain an edge over the entire competition when it comes to facing the Civil Services Exam. 


Though revisions do play an important role in helping you score well in the IAS Exam, there are a number of factors that count if you aim at revising effectively. Some of the important factors have already been discussed above. However, these are the general ones, and as an IAS aspirant, you are very likely to discover some of the requirements of your own that might be unique concerning your own personality. And you should take all your requirements into consideration before and even during making revisions. And it would only be in the best of your own interests to revise accordingly. Doing so is certainly going to make the revision effective for the IAS Exam preparation.