4 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid in Marathon Training

marathon training

Last Updated on November 6, 2019

Full-fledge information regarding the Marathon training is very crucial for an individual planning to take the marathon challenge. It is not just about how to do something. You need to know how not to do it. What are the top mistakes that can be avoided during marathon training? Here are the four mistakes that can make a tremendous difference in the results of your training.

Mistake – 1: Not Followed by Proper Training Planning

It is very important to follow a proper marathon training plan if you intend to decrease the likelihood of common injuries. By following the proper guidelines for marathon training, one may enhance his ability to run faster with fewer chances of getting injured.

It is imperative to include a proper marathon training plan that embraces mobility work, cool-downs, warm-ups and strength workouts, etc. The inclusion of these listed plans may be very helpful to avoid the common running injuries. Following full-fledged plans are very indispensable in sports to get consistent performance throughout the course.

Benefits of planned training are

  • Makes you discipline
  • Strengthens your position
  • Fewer chances to get injuries
  • Enhances your stamina during running

Common effects of unplanned training are

  • Getting tired easily
  • Reduction in the performance over time
  • More chances to get injuries in ankle, knee and other regions

Now that we have talked about planning training, it does not mean everything would go smooth. Even if you have planned the best training schedule, there are numerous other mistakes you might commit that would cost you in terms of performance, stamina and even a wining course.

Mistake – 2: Overlooking the Weird Pain

Owing to some inner injuries, you get pain in your muscles or your bones as well. Avoiding pain is not a solution. In some cases, pain is considered a good indication of muscle development. What to do when pain increases over time or if you have significant pain in the same area at frequent intervals?

Popping pain killers would do more damage than any good. Rubbing some topical creams might give temporary relief. In some cases, your pain has to be treated medically. Talk to your doctor to know about managing the pain. Remember that a healthy muscle or tissue can only feel pressure and not pain.

In some cases, pain can be caused by internal problems like damaged ligament, a problem in major organs and so on. According to experts, pain can be caused by unprofessional training, over-extreme training, and uneven training. Unbalanced shoes, misfit gears, and even low-quality socks can cause pain. Talk to an expert if you experience pain. Remember that pain can always make you fail.

Regular rest and interval are very essential while training. Do not expect your body to withstand extreme training for 4 or 5 hours in a stretch. The common solution to this is alternating high intensity and low intensity styled training to allow your muscles to relax. Drink plenty of water and have a balanced diet.

Mistake – 3: Do not follow others

Each person has a different style of training and running. The common mistake among marathon trainers is Starva Stalking. This is the concept where the runners check others’ mileage and try to work it up in their training. This phobia of being left out could lead to serious injuries and problems, at the end of the day.

You need to know the right mileage for you. It depends on your body structure, stamina, ability, muscle structure and so on. Remember that pushing yourself to the next level is very essential but, it is not the same as over-exerting your body. Pushing to extreme has to be done professionally. Do not try to jump on the tracks and try to defeat Usain Bolt. Do not follow others. You need to create a personalized training schedule and mileage requirement.

Mistake – 4: Training Without Appropriate Data

If you are planning to add efficiency to any activity, analyze data. There are numerous data that you can find about your marathon training and use it for your betterment. The best example is speed. Learn your speed and try to improve it a little, every day. Here are a few lists of data that you need to aware of in advance:

  • Finishing Time – What is the expected finishing time? How soon are you planning to finish it? Keep your goal in mind and train. Try running a practice marathon prior to the actual race. Do not do it a day before your marathon race. Try to test run at least one week prior to the actual race. This will give your body enough time to relax and rejuvenate for the real race.
  • Body data – Which is your optimal heart rate? At what rate of speed can you maintain a consistent performance? This is not 100m dash where you exert all your energy into the first minute of the race. You need to know the speed during the first few kilometers and how much to increase and so on. There are numerous devices on the market, which will help you trace your heart rate, speed, average speed and so on.
  • Practice makes you better – Do not start training for a marathon a week from the date. Some practice many years before they start their first marathon race. Say, if you are planning for the Giti marathon race, you need to train for months together before the event. This will help your body adapt to the training. Increase the time of training a little, every day to improve stamina
  • Recovery – For long run and persistent performance, it is very important to recover the body if you sustain some injuries. This may assist you in the betterment of the results in your goals. Have a stop-clock in hand to know whether you are taking enough rest to recover during exercises.

Unfortunately, these are not the only mistakes that marathon trainers make. Some forget to drink adequate water; some forget to have a good diet while training and the list of mistakes are enormously long. Starting from good sleep to perfect shoes, you should be prepared in all areas for the marathon. Marathon promotes good health and disciple. Thus, make sure to keep up with a well-organized training to complete the marathon. Whether you win or not, touching the finish line in a marathon is what matters a lot.