No one is ever prepared in life, however, when talking about important exams, being prepared is mandatory.
These days, you may be preparing for the most important exam in your academic life. You may feel like your strategies are not working and you are worried about the results, but fret no more, as you read below, aiming for that desired score of yours is far from impossible. Below is a list to help you prepare for your upcoming exam!
- Â It All Starts With Motivation
Whether it is for your family, for a dream profession or for the desired score, every successful story comes along with what drives your life – your motivation. You need to have a sense of motivation – a driving interest towards a goal; otherwise, you will find yourself bored, and every effort you make will make no sense.
However, having a motivation does not guarantee that you will get your desired result. Nevertheless, it serves as a fuel to keep you going which makes everything you do during your preparation meaningful and purposeful.
- Â Develop Your Own StrategyÂ
There is no right or wrong strategy. Every student has a particular studying strategy that fits them. However, when selecting one, make sure that you are comfortable with it. You may change it afterwards if you think it is not helping.
- Â When Listening to Discussions or Reading a Source, Always Take Notes
Taking notes is one of the most effective traditional strategies to study better. When making notes, organize the key ideas of a particular concept or subject. Draw a chart or a concept map to help you understand lessons easily.
- Â When Highlighting Key Points, Try Using Different Colors of PensÂ
This might not apply to everyone but when highlighting key points on a book, using different colors of markers will help you find the keywords easier. You can use a blue highlighter for the definitions and a different color for the important terms. In this way, you will easily know that a word with a blue highlight is for a word’s definition and the other is for another.
-  Don’t Just Memorize, Be Familiar With the Concepts
Exams are not just objective types, so you have to read everything to understand things fully. Use the key points as memory cues. When memorizing terms, recite it using its definition and in your own words.
- Â Make Use of Mnemonic DevicesÂ
Mnemonics have been applicable to various students. These devices are techniques and systems that are used to improve memorization. They can also serve as a helpful retrieval cue whenever you apply chunking or relational comprehension. For instance, when studying about the list of all the countries in Asia, you can employ mnemonics by remembering the first letter of the first word like B, C, I, I, I, M, P, S and V for Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
Mnemonics help you in testing your memory. Aside from determining the first letter of a word, you can also use cue-cards, study partners, pictures, diagrams, charts and many more.
- Â Seek Help From the Internet
Many online education platforms provide aid for students in studying. Some are giving online crash courses and modules to help students study better. However, when seeking help from the internet, always be vigilant in sorting out what platforms are credible enough.You can download exam prep booklets online that can help you do way better on your exams. You should find the best psle assessment books you can online and work through the exercises to improve your skills.
- Â Break Your Study Time and Insert Mandatory Breaks
Leonard talks about his experiences in higher education and according to him, being able to plan your study schedule helps a lot in achieving your desired goal. Break your study time into an hour or half an hour. Also, after every session, always insert a time for you to rest. Overdoing everything and being too hard on yourself will not help. By scheduling when to stop and when to keep going, you can maximize your time well, get your concentration and alertness back and be productive.