8 Proven Tips to Help You Sleep Better At Night

8 Proven Tips to Help You Sleep Better At Night

How many hours do you sleep per night? A study by the University of Michigan researchers indicates that only a few people sleep the recommended average of 8 hours per night globally.

Studies show that lack of enough sleep can have adverse effects on your hormones, brain function, and activity performance. Poor sleep increases the risk of getting health problems and can expose you to different fatal diseases. Therefore, it’s vital to get enough sleep.

Here are eight fact-based tips to help you sleep better:

1. Keep a Consistent Sleeping and Waking-Up Times

The human body has an internal clock that tracks time naturally, also called the circadian rhythm. It affects your brain, body, and hormones and helps set the time of sleeping and waking up.

When you keep a consistent sleep and wake-up times, you can improve your sleep quality significantly. Irregular sleeping patterns can alter your circadian rhythm and levels of melatonin, which is responsible for signaling the brain to sleep.

Setting a habit of going to bed and waking up at similar times will solve your sleeping struggles. After doing it for a few weeks, your body will adjust, and you will not even need an alarm clock to wake up.

2. Take a Supplement

Supplements like melatonin, Valerian root, and Magnesium, to mention but a few can help aid your sleep problems. Melatonin, for example, is a sleep hormone that lets the brain know when it’s time to sleep and wake up. It has been used to treat insomnia. Taking Melatonin supplements not only improves sleep quality but also boosts your energy the next day.

Melatonin has no withdrawal effects and can come in handy for people who are traveling across different time zones. However, in some countries, you need to get a prescription before you use this supplement. Make sure that you are only using one supplement at a time and avoid the use of different supplements concurrently since it may bring up other issues.

3. Rule Out a Sleep Disorder

An underlying sleep disorder or health condition could be the culprit of your sleeping problems. It’s vital to rule out the existence of any other underlying medical condition. For example, people with sleep apnea, which causes interrupted and inconsistent breathing, can have poor sleeping patterns.

Circadian rhythm sleep/wake disorders and sleep movement disorders are other common medically diagnosed issues commonly among shift workers. If you have been struggling with sleep issues for an extended period of time, it is important that you talk to a health physician.

4. Make Use of CBD Oil

Cannabis has been associated with feeling sleepy and relaxed and sometimes drowsy. Ironically, you can use CBD oil for sleep disorders.

A recent study shows that the use of CBD oil helps reduce anxiety, which, in turn, improves sleep. Therefore, CBD oil is an effective and natural remedy for insomnia. It helps promote refreshing REM sleep for people with sleep disorders and neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Also, cannabidiol(CBD) is said to have therapeutic benefits.

5. Optimize Your Bedroom Environment

Your bedroom setup could also be a contributing factor to your sleep problems. Regulating factors such as temperature, external lights, noise or furniture arrangement in your bedroom environment are crucial to get good sleep. Studies show that these factors could cause not only poor sleep but also long-term health issues.

8 Proven Tips to Help You Sleep Better At Night

Try reducing noise, artificial and natural light and keep your bedroom quiet, clean, relaxing and enjoyable to improve your sleep.

6. Avoid Eating Late in the Evening

The time you take your evening meal could also impact your sleep quality. Research indicates that one should eat and wait at least four hours before you go to bed. Late-night eating can affect both your sleep and natural release of melatonin and HGH.

Also, the type and quality of your late-night snack can play a role in your sleep quality. For example, eating a high-carb meal at least four hours before sleeping can help you fall asleep faster. Interestingly, another research reveals that a low-carb meal can as well improve your sleep, which indicates that the levels of carbs are not the necessary factor.

7. Relax Your Mind in the Evening

What kind of activities do you engage in before you retire to bed? The majority of people have a pre-sleep routine that helps them relax when going to sleep.

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, visualization, reading a book, taking a hot shower, massage and listening to soothing stories or music, before going to sleep have been proven to improve sleep quality. These techniques have helped treat insomnia and helped people who were ill to fall asleep.

8. Get a Comfortable Bed, Mattress, and Pillow

The quality of your bed, mattress, and pillow can also play a role in your sleep. To sleep better at night, you need to have a comfortable bed and a right mattress.

A study overlooked the effects of sleeping on a new mattress for a month and the results showed reduced back pain by 57%, back stiffness by 59% and shoulder pain by 60%. Also, it helped improve the quality of sleep for the participants.

Another study revealed that new bedding also enhanced sleep. Getting the best mattress is exceptionally vital. However, the best mattress and bedding are subjective, and your choice should be based on personal preference, among other factors. It is recommended that you should always upgrade your mattress and bedding after 4 to 8 years.


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