CBD Oil vs. CBD Treats: Which One is Better for Your Dog

CBD Oil vs. CBD Treats Which One is Better for Your Dog

Last Updated on September 29, 2019

CBD oil for dogs has proved to be effective on different types of illnesses for dogs including cancer, epilepsy, anxiety and a whole lot of other diseases.

It’s still under research, but some studies have been done and some preliminary reports are available. All in all, CBD for pets is in trend and the pet owners who are using are more than satisfied with its results.

The results from these studies show that it is the best natural course of treatment that has little or no side effects. This method has been used mostly by people who like organic products to avoid any further medical complications.

The development of this treatment method has resulted in different methods of using it. For example, you now have the option to give your CBD oil directly to your dog or by using CBD treats. Which way is better for your dog?

Which one is more effective?

When comparing CBD oil with CBD treats, it may seem like it’s the same thing. They are both effective, but there is a difference in the efficacy of each method.

How so? When it comes to natural and organic remedies getting a purely organic ingredient or remedy is of most importance. This is possible if you buy CBD oil and administer it directly into your dog’s mouth.

On the other hand, CBD treats don’t have that pure potency of CBD oil used alone. On the point of efficacy, CBD oil takes it home because of the purity it has, which increases its productivity.

How does the processing of treats affect the CBD?

CBD oil is not processed and does not have any extra preservatives or additives that may cause the CBD to be ineffective when compared to CBD oil. When cooking the treats, the heat involved in the processing of those treats breaks down the defenses, which are shielding the CBD from contamination.

Above that, the CBD may also get damaged, which will render those treats useless and not fulfill its purpose. Unless you are going to mix the treats with the CBD in another method that doesn’t involve heat, your purpose for those treats may not be fulfilled. In this arena pure CBD oil takes away the cake again.

How do the ingredients affect CBD treats?

Despite damaging the CBD using heat during processing, how can the ingredients affect the CBD when preparing CBD treats?

The other ingredients added to the treats may cause it to be harder for the CBD to permeate throughout the body. The ingredients may also have allergens that are harmful to your dog. Those allergens will make it hard for the CBD to treat existing problems in the body of your dog.

This may call for a lot of treats that will bring in an exponentially higher dosage. This doesn’t only impose higher risk, but it also puts a dent in your pocket because you have to buy more for little value.

Which one is easier to administer?

CBD treats are the easiest to administer because your dogs never recognize that you are giving them medication, which makes it fun on their end. You can also use a coconut-based CBD mixture because dogs naturally like the flavor and texture of that product.

The coconut-based mixture is also useful because of the other health benefits coconut oil has on your dog’s body. Alternatively, you can get CBD drops and drop them directly into your dog’s mouth or drop them with a spoon.

Another method that works for most dog owners is dropping the oil in their dog’s food. This happens mostly on dry food because some wet foods just separate the oil.


Overall, CBD should work in any way you administer it. However, it is worthy to note that it may be hard and sometimes require extra dosages for your dog to benefit from the CBD oil through treats. The direct approach may be difficult, but it’s the best way to reap the best results and to quickly notice changes in your dog’s health.

As time goes on, your dog will also get used to the direct drops of CBD. Consider your intention for using the CBD. If you need it for a more serious or chronic problem, it may be useful to use the direct approach.