Last Updated on July 23, 2020
Whether you are looking for a birthday gift, a Christmas present, or simply want to give your child a surprise treat, it can be stressful picking out a toy that you can be sure they will really love. It’s definitely no fun to hand over a toy you thought they would be super excited about, just to find it abandoned and forgotten within minutes, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Take a look at these handy tips on how to choose a toy that your children will really love.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Is it for them, or you?
Don’t buy a toy simply because it appeals to you. Of course, if you can be confident they will like it too then fair enough, but if you are driven by nostalgia or a touch of avarice, (train set anybody?) it’s probably best to give it a miss. Of course, you can always buy yourself that train set regardless!
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Make it age appropriate
A ride-on car may be hugely attractive to a child until their feet don’t reach the pedals and you realize they are a year too young for it; while an older child won’t appreciate anything they consider ‘babyish’.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Learn what they like
Okay, so sometimes that will change from week to week, but most children have something they are into for longer, say art-based play, or puzzles.
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Get a toy that fits that criteria and you can be confident they will absolutely love it.
-         Tread carefully with the ‘educational’ angle
There’s nothing wrong with providing some toys which could help a child learn or develop particular skills, and to be fair most toys will do that in some way, but go for a toy where the learning is not the most obvious focus unless it is what your child actually wants.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Look closely at toys with a variety of uses
This feature not only extends the potential lifespan of a toy, but it is likely to also be more appealing to a child – especially younger children. Lego is a great example of a toy which is perpetually popular for this very reason.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Let your child guide you
It may or may not be practical to let a younger child loose in a toy store to decide on their own what appeals, but there are also parent and child groups and nurseries where similar access to a range of toys is available. A child set free to play will naturally gravitate to the type of toys they like, regardless of the gender or personality type associations attached to them by adults.
It’s worth getting it right
There are many physical, social and psychological benefits to play, so choosing toys which appeal to your children is important. If you would like further ideas on toy suggestions to take a look at for inspiration.
Most kids will play with toys they are given, but they will actually benefit from the toys that they love