Tips to Make Your Backyard Beautiful Again

Tips to Make Your Backyard Beautiful Again

Last Updated on December 18, 2018

Having a beautiful backyard does not require a full time groundskeeper to be added to the payroll, however, when your yard is neglected, it can easily get overgrown and run down looking. With a little work and some preplanning, having a yard you can enjoy and be proud of is easily attainable. Here are some tips to make your backyard beautiful again.

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Containers

Using containers for trees, plants, and flowers is an easy way to glam up your backyard without breaking your back digging up sod and grooming the landscape. Place pots near the corners of your house, on your porch, and by your stairs. Fill them with potting soil, then perennials plants and fragrant flowers to add color and scents. Add some lavender and lemongrass as a natural bug repellant, too.

When putting trees or bushes in containers, don’t pick out large trees that will require a lot of maintenance. Plants like a weeping hemlock or a hyacinthe bush or two, would add color and aroma. Also, feel free to add a couple small planters with herbs and salad greens. These make for a quick and simple vegetable garden, but also add green foliage to your yard.

Don’t Be Afraid to Add Height to Your Yard

A lovely garden does not have to be all the same height. Using a variety of plants and even fencing, you can add dramatic height with ease. A wooden trellis or a gazebo can add dimension and beauty to your yard. Add in plants that will grow up the sides, like clematis, roses, or vines, and you will have a stunning focal point to your landscape.

For a more extreme look you can add pillars. The use of white pillars, or concrete columns, adds a sense of antiquity to any landscape. Add around them summer plants like: astilbe, actaea, phlox, and silvery maiden grass for a spectacular garden. A pergola could add the same distinction and beauty.

Use a Mixture of Annuals and Perennials

Tulips, daffodils, and lilies are great perennials because they add pops of color in your garden beds, all while returning year after year. With some minor attention, you can separate the bulbs, at the end of their growing season, to expand the size of your flower beds or gardens. With slightly different blooming times, these three flowers will add color throughout the spring and summer. In between blooms, adding annuals, such as petunias, will ensure that you have color throughout the warm seasons.

Use the Landscape that You Have

If you have a rocky yard, don’t be afraid to incorporate a stone wall or a pile of rocks into your landscape. There are several variations of flowers that will grow on and hang over the edge of rocks, such as creeping thyme or phlox. If you are working against a slope, these plants can also be great for erosion control and to eliminate the need for mowing, all while adding color and beauty.

Incorporate your Shed Into Your Design

Most of us have a garden shed that we use to store tools and garden equipment. Sometimes they can stick like a sore thumb however. So soften your shed and make it a part of  your overall theme. Add a rock path to your shed, or add metal hooks to the side for hanging potted plants. The right paint job that matches your garden colors will also help. If you don’t have a shed, no worries. These days they are easy to build. Some companies even offer premium 3D shed plans that are fully illustrated so that even a novice can build a shed within a few days, like the ones seen here.

Add Flowers Around Your Fences

If you have a fence in your yard, there is no reason that you cannot add color to the area with flowers. A fence creates a barrier and a flower border can easily bright up the area and make it look less intrusive. If your fence is located in a shady spot in your yard, you can line it with hostas, which are very low maintenance and return year after year.

Tips to Make Your Backyard Beautiful Again butterly

Create a Nature Space

Adding a butterfly garden to your yard is an incredible way to give back to nature with nature. Flowering plants, like milkweed or a kaleidoscope butterfly bush, produce vibrant colors all while attracting butterflies. With the monarch butterfly on the verge of being an endangered species, re-invigorate the lifecycle in your neighborhood by adding plants to your yard that will attract butterflies can help to repopulate the species. Once they have found your yard, you will have butterflies for years and years.

Having a beautiful backyard does not have to be terribly time consuming or costly. Using these little tips will add life and color to your yard. Don’t be afraid of container plants or height variation and be sure to use a combination of annuals and perennials, along with bushes and trees. Also, be sure to use the natural landscape to your advantage and work with what you have, be it rocks, hillsides, or a fence. These can be great features in your yard if you use just a little bit of imagination and ingenuity.