Why are fans important for rural households? Here’s a detailed guide

Why are fans important for rural households? Here's a detailed guide

Last Updated on April 14, 2019

We all look forward to those lovely summer days when we can switch on the fan and sit comfortably in a room. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed enough to follow the same routine. India has suffered from extreme electricity shortage for many years, and this electricity crisis is cited as one of the most binding limitations on economic growth and output. Understanding the implication of the problems in Indian rural economics is crucial to provide essential lessons on how to deal efficiently with power and the shortage of supply. The crisis has been disastrous in poor rural households where load-shedding and blackouts have left many villagers with less than one hour of power a day during summers.

What is Rural Electrification?

Rural electrification is the process of providing electricity to rural and remote areas. Despite the progress in global electrification rates from 76% in 1990 to 85% in 2012, the rural areas are still struggling to gain access to power. Almost 87% of people living in rural households and remote areas live without electricity where the addition of national electric grid is costly, inefficient and technically difficult.

Demands of Electricity in Rural Areas vs. Urban Areas

Living in an urban area makes a huge difference in the energy demand. The industrial use and big sites dominate the need for electricity in the rural and urban area. However, in rural areas, the need for electricity is defined by household power demands and needs for irrigation and local agricultural processes. The energy demand for these companies is difficult to judge as they depend on the local socio-economical state of the area where they are located.

The government not only needs to take into account the developing electricity supply in companies or households, but also the capacity at which the growth will take place.

Policies Devised by the Government

Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana

Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) embarked on its journey in April 2005. This program aimed to help all rural households by providing electricity and provide an electrical connection to BPL (below poverty line) families free of cost. Many rural households have benefitted from the electrical connections because now they can use fans and other electric appliances. In UP, people have also started using mobile phones after electrification because it became possible to charge the mobiles. In Bihar, the most significant use of electricity by the rural households includes running a fan.

National Electricity Policy 2005

The National Electricity Policy aims to lay guidelines for the development of the power sector by providing electricity supply to all rural households and protecting the interest of the people. It keeps in view the availability of technology, energy resources, and energy security issues.

Importance of a FanĀ 

With the help of electricity and a portable fan or ceiling fan, now even rural households can make their lifestyle comfortable and have a good night’s sleep.

Rising electricity cost pressurizes people to inspect the electrical expenditure in homes and stray away from big energy consuming devices like air coolers or air conditioners. This rule applies to not only rural but urban households as well. Besides using air conditioning unit, everyone can get the best comfort with the use of a ceiling fan.

Other than cooling, a fan has a number of benefits, here some reasons why it is important to have fans specifically in the context of the rural household:

Ceiling Fans Are Cost-Efficient

One point to remember is that a fan cools off people, not the room. A fan running in an empty room is an energy waster and since people in rural areas donā€™t get enough electricity, fans are a great energy saving alternative. An Energy Star certified ceiling fan is more efficient than an electric motor fan. Hence, a fan will help a rural household save enough money on their electricity bills.

Ceiling Fans Provide an Additional Light Source in a Room

A ceiling fan can be of a multi-purpose home appliance. Besides providing cooling and heating, it can also be used an additional light source in the room with the help of light fixtures. There are numerous fan options with bulbs that can be chosen. However, it is best to go for energy efficient option for a long-running house appliance. These provide considerable saving and help a home save money too.

How Climate Affects The Need of a Ceiling Fan

Climate is one important factor when it comes to buying a fan. A ceiling fan provides respite from the scorching heart in the summer by generating airflow in the room. The cooler air from the bottom of the room is circulated, keeping the warm air up in the room. The air circulated creates a wind chill effect and helps in evaporating sweat on the skin, making you feel cool. It is a great addition to a rural household because everyone can get the desired cooling effect without feeling warm. A ceiling fan can be used in winters at a low speed in a clockwise direction so that the hot air is pushed down into the room to make it cozy.

A fan is a basic need for every household and the government is working hard to amp up the electrification process of rural households so that many people can not only use a fan, but other electrical appliances as well. Further cost reduction and technical innovation are required to achieve this standard.