How to Patch a Leaky Pipe While Waiting for the Plumber?

Patch a Leaky Pipe while waiting for plumber

Last Updated on June 19, 2017

Nothing feels like home when you come after an elongated and exhausting day at work. Our home is the perfect place for us to relax and stay at peace. When we say peace, we mean ‘real peace’ and the only way to experience ‘real peace’ in your home is when each and every component of your home is in the perfect working condition. However, this is not the case always as something or the other is always in the queue to demand a repair or replacement.

This definitely involves taking aid from a plumbing and bathroom fitting professional but there are certain dilemmas which you need to handle on your own till the professional arrives. The worst one falling under this category is a leaking pipe! Not only it keeps on wasting water but also, makes you irritated and helpless all the time. So, how does one really patch a leaky pipe in order to stop the dripping water till the plumber arrives? Relax, as we brief you with the same!

Step by Step Guide to Patch a Leaking Pipe

Step 1: Shut Off Water Supply Valve

The first step is definitely the most important step in tackling the dripping water. If you have no idea as to which valve you should shut off, simply shut down the main water valve. The reason water valve has to be shutoff is due to the fact that you cannot do anything when water is dripping out. Most of the shut off valves are located at the bottom of the sink and at the last point of the pipe.

Step 2: Wipe Off the Leak Point

Until your plumbing and bathroom fitting professional arrive, the next step is to wipe the leak point of the pipe so that no water gets retained inside or outside the pipe. Use a neat and clean cloth as you do not want to put anything extra in there which may damage the pipe. In case you notice any rust, try removing it with a steel wool through scrubbing.

Step 3: Squeeze the Leak Point

Now it is time to get hold of the leak and squeeze it literally to make sure the joints are tightened. Most of the times these joints are already tight but just to be 100 % sure, take the help of a flexible wrench in order to turn around the pipe fitting until you get the joint right. This is the perfect way to form a strong and durable seal.

Step 4: Make the Area Smooth

For the patch to be able to get successfully attached to the pipe, it is essential that it gets a smooth surface to sit upon. For this, use a file and utilize it effectively to make a flat surface area around the leak point.

Step 5: Cut an Appropriate Patch

According to a leading plumbing and bathroom fitting company owner Patrick Hendricks, a single inch square of resilient material like neoprene or rubber is more than sufficient to plug the majority of leaks. In case you are faced with a larger leak, cut a larger patch which leaves around a single inch of patch excess on every side.

Step 6: Patch Placement

The next and the final step in patching a leaky pipe is nothing but the patch placement. The leak should come in the center of the patch when distributing it evenly. To attach the patch to the leak point, you may take the help of hose clamps and also, tighten the horse camp screws with a screwdriver. This will not allow the patch to move here and there, eventually leading to a firm and still patch. Till the time screws do not form a watertight patch over the leak point, continue the good work of tightening the screws. Congrats! It’s done! You have successfully patched a leaking pipe and now just wait for the plumbing and bathroom fitting professional to arrive!