Workplace Fire Safety tips

Fire Safety in workplace

Last Updated on May 22, 2017

Everyone combats difficulties in their own ways. Some take preventive measures prior to the event, some take decisions on the moment of spur while rest take decisions that affect the people around them. Fire at workspace has its own dangers. But no matter where you work, office, factory, garage, or even have your own business there are some tips that you can adopt to prevent fire safety in workspace.

Workplace fire can be a disaster for any level of business, no matter the size, status or even the location. A survey done by government concluded that approximately 35,000 fires occur in a workplace every year which demolish the businesses start away. Most of the businesses do recover but sometimes, people lose more than just bossiness, they lose their hopes, dreams and aspirations too.  So, here in this blog I would like to highlight some of the tips that can prevent fire at workplace. Read it, and do share if you like it.

  1. Keep the trach bin clean at all times

You must have heard this since your childhood, paper is a good conductor of heat. So, if your bin is filled with paper and somehow there is some spark in the bin that can cause serious damage and can turn into uncontrivable flames that can turn from minor to major threat to you, your company and people around you.

  1. Avoid Faulty Electrical Equipment

Most of the times it is not the random fire, it is the result of our mistakes. Check & replace any wires that seem faulty, and also any electrical equipment that are not working. Call someone and get the equipment repaired and use high quality wires throughout your facility. If you cannot afford high wires, make sure to book in regular inspections & PAT testing to avoid any risk of electrical fire. You also need to maintain safe operation of the electrical equipment on the site. Prevent overheating or sparking whenever possible.

  1. Are Electrical equipment’s accessible?

What if you want to shut down an emergency machine but only distraction is dozen of boxes that need shifting? Your job is to keep a clean line of access & sight towards the available control panels. Do all of your employees know how to shut down the machines in any emergency mode?

  1. Ensure to store the chemicals in a safe place.

This might not apply to most of the workplaces but still this is one of the thing that you need to take care of. In a survey it was concluded that more than 38% of the factories are ignited each year due to the poor management of chemicals within the factory.

  1. Keep the explosives away from ignition

Now days there ae many chemicals which we use in our daily lives act as flammable liquid vapor. Avoid using sparking tools in such environments like nursing homes and hospitals. Control the flow of static electricity when possible and always designate a section for smoking.

  1. Fire safety training is for everyone

Training everyone is your biggest ally. No matter the rank of the employee if everyone is trained with fire safety then you can easily prevent major disasters & unnecessary life loss.

  1. Make drills regular part of your employee’s schedule

One of the most important points we ignore is fire safety training programs. Make the drills regular part of your employee’s schedule. Even do emergency drills that can teach them how to act in emergency situation & cope up with them when the time comes. Some companies appoint the fire marshal to oversee the training & correct the course when gone out of line. This is quite necessary because when the employees are consciously trained to do things that are necessary then only they can act properly in the situation.

  1. Place the safety equipment in the front

Ensure to keep the necessary fire extinguisher equipment at an arm’s length. This includes any equipment. Whether a fire extinguisher that is behind the desk or fire escape blocks that are blocked by heavy machinery. And the sprinkler systems obstructed by decorations or such material.

  1. Relevant equipment

Make sure that smoke alarms are fitted all over the building & these need to be tested in regular intervals. Furthermore you should make sure that you have the necessary equipment to fight the fire. These days there are tons of options for fire equipment testing? There are also companies that are offering fire equipment service which is also a good option. Consult them for training. They can easily offer training to every level of staff member.

  1. Do you have a BAFE Approved Fire Risk Assessment?

Many of the organizations use 160-question audit process. That is combined with many years of experience of fire & safety training. This ensures that the clients of the company are adequately assessed for fire risks to life. Consolation is also provided in some companies on full basis. Risk management discussion is done which is also one of the benefit itself.