Supporting Your Partner Through Recovery from Addiction

Supporting Your Partner Through Recovery from Addiction

Addiction is a terrible thing for anyone to have to deal with. In some cases, it can be even more difficult for one to watch someone else go through it instead of experiencing themselves. If someone you are close to is going through addiction recovery, then here are a few tips to help both of you get through it as painlessly as possible. However, it is always important to keep in mind that addiction is a disease and something that can’t be overcome quickly or easily. Addiction can be very difficult for partners to deal with, but considering these tips will help you to bring you and your partner success in your relationship as well as in their battle with this debilitating disease.

  1. Communicate

Communication will be key to the success of the recovery effort. It is important for both you and your partner to be upfront with each other about how each of you are feeling and if you are struggling with anything. If communication about problems occurs it will be easier to solve those problems than if you both resolve to suffer in silence or avoid them.

  1. Be Patient

Addiction is not something that will go away in a day. It will take time to build new habits and shake old ones. It is important that you do not try to rush your partner. Let them recover at their own pace and realize that mistakes and setbacks will occur. Even if progress is slow it is still progress. Celebrate any achievements they make regardless of their size. Even a baby step is a step and any kind of step is helpful when it comes to battling with addiction.

  1. Try Not to Blame

Addiction is a disease. Relapses don’t occur because your partner is lazy or not trying. The addiction has changed their brain so that they have a dependence on whatever substance they were addicted to. They can’t just stop without repercussions. It is also important not to excessively chastise them for mishaps because this will just be discouraging and will encourage them to give up and stop trying.

  1. Educate Yourself

It would be very helpful for you to read and research about your partner’s addiction. You should pay special attention to things that may be triggering as well as practices that may aid in recovery. If you can avoid things that may entice relapses and reinforce behaviors that are healthy and will expedite the recovery process then your partner will be on their way to living a balanced, fulfilling life free from the wrath of addiction. It will also be beneficial for you to get a better understanding of what they are going through so that you can sympathize more completely with their predicament.

  1. Get Support

Addiction is a formidable opponent that should not be combated alone. There are a plethora of resources that exist in the form of blogs, counselors, psychiatrists, groups, and many others. Rehab is a very common form of dealing with addictions that is often thought of as being the most effective. Whatever type of help your partner seeks out, it is important that you make sure that they stick with their program without being nagging or controlling. Try to nudge them along the right path with affection, care, and understanding.

Addiction affects many more people than just the person who is addicted. It can completely disrupt the lives of every person the addicted meets if it is uncontrolled. Supporting someone dealing with this disease can be overwhelming and confusing. However, if you are looking for resources in New Jersey there are many places you can turn to. The NJ community is very supportive of those struggling with addiction. It is horrifically detrimental to recovery when an addiction symptom goes unaddressed. So please make sure that you consider the above suggestions and most importantly seek help wherever you can get it. Addiction can be terrifying, but it is not unbeatable.


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