Main Signs That It Could Be a Diabetic Eye Disease You’re Having

Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic eye disease is a condition that affects the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye. It can lead to partial or complete vision loss and even blindness if not detected early enough. Diabetes is a chronic condition where high blood sugar levels over an extended period cause damage to nerves and blood vessels throughout the body, including those in your eyes. If you have diabetes in San Antonio, Texas, you need to know these warning signs that may indicate diabetic retinopathy. A diabetic eye disease in San Antonio will focus on the below symptoms.

Vision Loss

If you have high blood sugar, your vision may become blurry, or you might find it challenging to focus on words when reading. These symptoms are generally an indication that changes are taking place in the back of your eye due to diabetes damage. Over time, these small changes can grow into large patches, which will cause a great deal of distortion.

Empty or Dark Areas in Vision

You may start to experience one or more dark or empty areas in your field of vision if you have diabetic retinopathy. The retina comprises both cones and rods, which help you see during the day and at night, respectively. When many blood vessels burst, these cells die, causing a central blind spot that can lead to total vision loss. You should take caution to prevent this from happening as it may be a sign of diabetic macular edema, a severe eye disease that requires immediate medical attention.

Blurry or Tunnel Vision

You might notice blurry or tunnel vision when looking at objects through your peripheral vision, which causes them not to come into focus. This can be a sign that the retina has been severely damaged which prevents light from reaching the back of your eye. It can also be a side-effect of diabetic macular edema as fluid buildup causes vision loss and smaller blood vessels leaking. This condition requires immediate medical care to prevent blindness.

Eye Pain and Discomfort

If you have untreated diabetic retinopathy, you could start feeling eye discomfort or pain. This may also be accompanied by a loss of peripheral vision and blind spots, which can severely reduce your ability to see clearly. Eye pressure is another sign that can cause restricted movement when looking at objects from different angles. You need to seek medical treatment immediately if this occurs, as it could indicate a severe retinal detachment.

Floating Strings in Your Vision

Floating strings in your field of vision, often compared to cobwebs, are another sign that the retina has been affected by changes due to diabetes. They are often accompanied by a sudden appearance of dark or empty patches in your peripheral vision, which could potentially limit your movement. It is essential to see an optometrist immediately if you suffer from this symptom, as it could lead to permanent blindness.

If you notice that your vision is not as straightforward or detailed as it used to be, make an appointment with your eye doctor (ophthalmologist) immediately. Diabetic retinopathy can usually be detectable during a routine exam, but sometimes more tests are necessary to confirm the disease’s presence.


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