Solid Wood vs Fake Furniture

Furniture Buying Guide

Solid Wood vs Fake Furniture. When it is time to upgrade a room in your house, upgrading your furniture is probably high on your list. There are a lot of options for purchasing this new furniture, but not all options are equal. There is a big difference between solid wood and fake furniture, and one is the better option by far.

Two Main Options

When you begin shopping for furniture, you will find a large price range to choose from. Two pieces may look very similar, but one is one-third or less of the price of the other. Should you choose this cheaper option? The answer is a definite “No”.

Although the cheaper option, may seem to be a better deal, you will regret it over time. It will need to be replaced more quickly. There is a reason one piece is so much cheaper than the other. It lacks quality. It is fake furniture.

The Cheaper Option

So, what makes this furniture fake? Let’s start with the wood. It is often only particle board, a piece of wood made up of a lot of small pieces of wood pressed together. It is not sturdy, cracks, and breaks easily.

The workmanship is also cheap. Most of this furniture is made in a factory. It is assembled using minimum hardware and is not well designed. The main goal is to produce as much furniture as possible in a short amount of time and sell a lot of it.

The Quality Option

The second piece of furniture appears to be more costly. Initially, this is true, but over time, this piece of furniture will prove to be the better option because this furniture is built to last. You will not be looking for replacement furniture every few years.

This piece of furniture is made with quality wood. It holds up well over time and does not crack or break easily. It can be repaired or refinished as needed without harming the original piece of furniture.

The furniture is also designed to withstand regular use. It is made with a stronger support frame and is well assembled. Simply keep it clean and it will serve you well.

The Amish Difference

Furniture made of solid wooden boards is the best furniture, but even among this furniture, there is a quality difference. Some of this furniture is still produced in factories. It is built better than the cheap alternative, but it is still mass-produced with the goal to sell as much as possible.

The best furniture is custom-made by hand, and the Amish have perfected this method. They have been making furniture with hand tools for centuries. As a result, their craftsmanship is exemplary.

Why It Matters

The Amish community takes care to ensure every piece of furniture they build is made right. Each piece of furniture is hand-made to make sure each part is perfectly fitted together. You won’t find loose boards or ill-fitting pieces with this furniture.

The Amish pass their knowledge and craftsmanship along to their children. Techniques developed over time to improve the quality are not forgotten. This creates generations of artisans, not just furniture builders.

How to Spot the Real Thing

There are differences in furniture quality that make spotting real Amish furniture easier. The furniture will have a smooth finish and a simple design. There is no need for added flare when the piece is made well.

The wood will be solid throughout not just covered with a thin layer of wood. The hinges should be hidden and the drawers and doors will fit perfectly. The inside of the furniture will look as well made as the outside.


Well-built furniture not only looks nice, but it is also durable. This furniture is long-lasting and can withstand regular use year after year. With just a little regular cleaning, you can enjoy this piece knowing it will not need to be replaced.

A piece of furniture designed and built with care has the potential to outlive you. It can become a new family heirloom that you can pass on to your children and they can pass along to their children.

There are many benefits to a solid piece of furniture. Fake furniture does not hold up to regular use and is easily broken. Amish furniture is durable, hand-crafted, well-made, and beautiful to look at.

If you want a piece of furniture you can enjoy for years to come, the better value is with a solid wood piece of Amish-built furniture. See the very best solid wood furniture at


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