6 Ways to Improve Cognitive Skills and abilities

6 Ways to Improve Cognitive Skills and abilities

When we hear of the term cognitive, the first thing that comes to mind is academics or young children. Many people associate cognitive skills with students, teachers or any in the profession of educating and offering education, but what people fail to understand is that cognitive skill cuts across all age groups and the brain needs constant cognitive skills and fitness to remain agile and sharp.

It is no news that brain enhancement drugs; either natural or chemical supplements have been used by students for a very long time, but recently how the brain functions in relation to cognition and fitness are two topics that are gaining national and global attention from healthcare professionals and researchers alike. The way the brain functions especially, as we grew older and more in people that suffer from memory loss; researchers are basically trying to prove the hypothesis that age does affect the function of the brain’s cognitive abilities and that nootropics are as effective in younger brains as they will be in older patients.

The brain

The brain and all the organs that make up the nervous system are the most critical organ in the human body. Cognitive skills involve the ability for us to read, think, write, understand, comprehend, attention, retention, and organization of the information that we get every day. We lose our cognitive skills as we grow older or due to disease, genes, or lack of brain fitness. The best way to improve our cognitive skills is constantly learning and challenging the brain’s capability with puzzles and solving math etc.

Six ways to improve brain fitness

These days nootropic drugs or smart drug as they are called are all over in the market. These drugs are herbal, supplements or drugs that enhance the brain’s cognitive skills and protect it from neurodegenerative diseases. Although they have side effects, they do a pretty good job of improving our cognitive skills. Other ways to improve cognitive skills are:


This might seem far off but exercise increases the blood flow to the hippocampus which is the part the brain responsible for our memories. Exercising also improves the density of the brain which in turn improves our cognitive ability. Studies also show that people that exercise handle stress better and are able to learn, recall facts, and make clearer decisions that those that don’t exercise.

Read and watch more

Reading a book that is not related to our area of expertise or a science program on TV depends on the cognitive skill of the brain. The more we read and watch programs beyond the scope of our understanding; we improve our thinking capabilities and trigger our understanding and memory.

Board games

Funny as it sounds, board games are quite the best fitness exercise for cognition. Board games such as Scrabble, chess, backgammon are some of the games that enhance our thinking, memory, understanding, and organization skills

Eat right

This is true in all things that concern the human body. The more healthy our diet is the healthier our body and mind, in this case, our brains.

Sleep well

Studies show that an adult should have at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Most times we don’t or are not able to do that because of our busy lifestyle. When the body lacks sleep, the brain can’t function properly. This caused stress that leads to depression and anxiety attacks which affect the cognitive skills of the brain.

Use of Nootropic or supplements

There are cases where the options above don’t help our cognitive ability, well, don’t give up yet, there are drugs and supplements that boost the brain’s cognitive ability by increasing memory and concentration.  They are known as Nootropic or smart drugs. The best nootropic drugs are phenylpiracetam, coluracetam, and Noopept which all fall under the family of racetam which are drugs that share a pyrrolidone nucleus.

 The better your cognitive skills are the better and happier your life. So, why not give the above tips a trial and increase your brain’s ability to remain younger, smarter, and agile while reducing your risk of cognitive-related diseases such as dementia, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases such Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases in the future.


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