New Year’s Resolution: The Science Behind Working Out

Science Behind Working Out

With each year comes another round of resolutions. At the top of that list? If you’re like most people, it’s some sort of commitment to working out. You’ll start off well-intentioned and full of energy. However, somewhere along the way, it always gets tough to keep on track. There’s not enough time in the day. Work beckons. Life happens. Workouts get pushed to the side.  But don’t worry – the guys at are here to help.

What if working out could actually help you in all the other aspects of your life? Would this make you more likely to keep up that healthy exercise habit?

This probably sounds too good to be true. However, we’re not promising rock-hard abs in just 10 days or losing 30 pounds in a month. Check out this infographic to see the science behind working out and how it really can propel you forward both mentally and physically. From sharpened memory skills, more energy, and restful sleep to a better social life, exercise could be the key to helping you knock out several of those New Year’s resolutions!

the science behind working out infographic


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