What is Blepharoplasty and What Does It Entail?


Last Updated on February 3, 2023

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin on the upper eyelids. It may also be effective for addressing sagging skin on the lower eyelids. Eye surgery is often perceived as a cosmetic procedure, but it can enhance vision for elderly patients. Here is what you need to know about Katy blepharoplasty and what to expect from the process.

Why would you need an eyelift surgery?

Aging is one of the primary factors causing your eyes to sag. The muscle and connective tissue lose their elasticity as you grow older. It is usually just a cosmetic problem and is not a health concern for many patients.

It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Therefore, many people are concerned about sagging eyelids and how they affect their image. Drooping eyelids can change perceptions of your facial expression, making you look sad and tired. An eyelift can restore your confidence and social life.

Additionally, the eye may sag to the extent it covers the pupil and obstructs your view. Some patients find it challenging to perform routine activities like driving or jogging. In such severe cases, removing excess skin is crucial for restoring vision.

What causes the eye to sag or droop?

While the sagging often occurs due to aging, it may also appear in younger patients. The premature eye drooping points to an inherited physiological condition.

Certain conditions can affect muscle and nerve function. Blepharitis causes inflammation of the upper eyelid, making your eyes watery, swollen, and itchy.

Ptosis is another eye condition that may cause drooping eyes. Ptosis could emerge due to botox injections, eye trauma, or diabetes.

Ptosis weakens muscles over time, forcing the eyelid to sag. The dropping may reduce after ptosis treatment. Sometimes a blepharoplasty procedure is necessary to remove excess tissue and lift the eyelids.

Blepharoplasty treatment and diagnosis

During blepharoplasty, your surgeon removes excess skin from the upper eyelid. It involves incisions on the eyelid’s creases. Your provider can complete the procedure under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

An initial evaluation of your eyesight is crucial since it is a requirement from health insurers to cover the procedure. The eye exam may check your eyes’ tear film and review your field of vision.

The initial appointment will also review your medical history and prescription. Your provider may discourage medications that may cause excessive bleeding. You ought to avoid smoking as it can increase your risk of complications.

Your surgical specialist may remove or adjust fat, muscle, or skin. The procedure conceals scarring within the eye fold’s creases or the eyelid.

The process also utilizes dissolvable sutures, and the body eventually absorbs them. As a result, it leaves virtually no marks on the treated area.

You may experience side effects like watery eyes, blurred vision, or numbness in your eyelid. However, these side effects are only temporary and should disappear several days after treatment. Adhere to your surgeon’s aftercare advice to minimize the risk of complications.

Contact Dr. John Freeman to schedule your blepharoplasty appointment today.