The Top 5 Places To Put Crystals In Your Home

Buddha head with crystals. Balance and calm energy flow in home.

People in the holistic healing community have long believed that crystals can affect energies and aid in having a balanced life. Different crystals are said to have metaphysical capabilities, influencing people and the environment when placed or carried purposefully. Crystals are also very beautiful and can be incorporated into various household items and jewelry.

If you want to include crystals in your everyday style, you can purchase a beautiful crystal necklace for women. By wearing jewelry that incorporates crystals, the wearer benefits from the frequencies they produce while boosting their aesthetics. 

If you want to change the vibrations in your home and take advantage of different crystals’ energies, you can place crystals around the home. Some of them will work better in certain rooms, especially if they have a particular function. 

These are the five best places to place crystals and elevate the energy in your household:

  • The Bathroom

The bathroom is one place in the home that gets the most activity. This is because all household members use the space to clean up and prepare for the day. It’s probably one of the first rooms people enter in the morning before going to the kitchen to get breakfast.

Placing crystals such as rose quartz, black obsidian, or amethyst can help expel any negative energy accumulating inside this space. You can place them either on the windowsill or the bathroom counter. They come in vibrant colors, making them a good decor piece for a bathroom with minimalist styling.

  • The Home Office

Since the pandemic, many people have relied on home offices for remote or hybrid setups. Due to the nature of the space, a lot of negative energy may fill it up. By placing crystals such as blue sapphire, turquoise, and clear quartz in the home office, you’ll be able to keep your focus, energy, and attention to your work. These crystals ensure you remain energized as you work and can also double as a beautiful paperweight for your table. They also promote creativity, which can help people find creative solutions to problems.

You can place these crystals either on your desk where you can see them, near the window where the sunlight can shine through them, or on your cabinets and other storage.

  • The Hallways

When people return home, the hallway is the first place in the home they pass through. By placing crystals such as black tourmaline, black obsidian, and rose quartz in the hallway, you help cleanse any negative energies they may be carrying from the things they’ve been doing for the day.

There are many hallways inside the home, as they help connect the different spaces, so you can place crystals either on the walls or at the entrance of each space. Invest in beautiful floating shelves, or take advantage of any bookshelves or tables you may have. This way, people stay cleansed as they move around the home.

  • The Bedrooms

After completing the day’s tasks, most people head to their bedrooms to relax and prepare for sleep. Crystals that can enhance the relaxing ambiance of the bedroom include amethyst, citrine, and celestite. These crystals are known in the holistic community to promote feelings of relaxation while removing negative energy.

You can place these crystals on your bedside table or any shelves in your bedroom. The windowsill is also a good spot. If you want to match them with the scheme of your room, these crystals will fit right in, as they also come in various colors.

  • The Living Room

This is another space in the house where people go to unwind. So, you can place crystals such as amethyst and black celestite in this room. They generate a relaxing atmosphere and bring beautiful colors to the space. Put these crystals on your coffee table, bookshelves, or any other mantels and side tables.

You can also take advantage of decor pieces with crystals embedded to bring some character to your living room. Place them on the windowsills so the space can light up with color whenever light shines through.

Beauty And Energy Combined

Your home is a confluence of a wide variety of energies coming together. Some of these may create positive or negative effects. Thankfully, you can control these to the advantage of everyone in the household with the choice placement of these crystals.

Obviously, these aren’t replacements for actual fixes to your problems. But they do provide the aid you need to create the ideal home environment. Check out your local catalogs to start using these conduits of beauty and positive power today.



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