Reasons You May Need to Go For Fertility Consultation


You have a 75% chance of getting pregnant after six months of diligently trying. Also, getting pregnant may take an average of six or seven months. The reasons you have trouble conceiving may include the unusual shape of the womb which prevents implantation of a fertilized egg or blocked fallopian tubes. Fertility Consultation Mountain View lets you know the underlying issue hindering your conception attempts. As a female under 35 years of age who has been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for about one year, you are a good candidate for fertility evaluation. But, if you are over 35 years old or over 40, seek specialist consultation after six and three months, respectively.

Below are other reasons that should make you go for a fertility evaluation.

Irregular periods

When your periods occur infrequently, it means irregular or abnormal ovulation. Abnormal ovulation accounts for more than 35% of infertility cases. Other times, you may not even have periods, indicating no ovulation.

You may experience missing periods due to being overweight, unexpected weight loss, stress, use of contraceptive pills, and ovulatory dysfunction.

Ovulatory dysfunction leads to anovulation (lack of ovulation) or the occurrence of ovulation infrequently. Lack of ovulation means there is no proper development of eggs or no release of eggs from the ovarian follicles.

No history of fertility evaluation

A health provider will subject you and your partner to testing of the reproductive organs. It is only from the results of the fertility tests that the doctor can then determine the right treatment plan.

There are different tests that your doctor can perform to know the health of your reproductive hormones (estrogen and testosterone), the number of eggs, the shape of the womb, and the health of semen.

Concern about your semen

About 40% of couples’ infertility cases are usually due to males. That is why a fertility expert may need to examine your semen. If the examination of semen shows sperms are inadequate or unhealthy, that proves why you and your partner have difficulty conceiving.

Even though the average sperm count is 75 million per mL, the general consideration is that you have a low count if your sperm is below 15 million per mL. Inferior quality or inadequate count of sperm may bed due to excessive weight, use of particular medications, or a surgical procedure in or adjacent to the testicles.

Your fertility specialist will then offer the best possible treatment to enable conceiving. One popular solution is using assisted reproductive technology, which may involve IVF.

You have a history of spontaneous abortion

Popularly known as miscarriage, spontaneous abortion more than once may result from different fertility issues such as embryonic genetic anomalies, structural problems in the womb, and advanced maternal age.

If you have cancer

Cancer treatments are brutal and notorious for affecting the fertility of a woman or man in the long term. Therefore, consult your fertility doctor and oncologist to determine how to protect your fertility during treatment. For instance, you can choose to freeze eggs or embryos before the start of cancer treatment.

Contact NOVA IVF today to schedule a consultation with a fertility specialist.


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