How to Know When It’s Time to Replace Your Home’s Stucco


Stucco is a thin finish coat that is applied on the exterior walls of residential and commercial properties. Stucco is available in many shades, making it easy to personalize. Also, its rough texture provides a decorative effect to a building’s exterior. However, like any other material, stucco is susceptible to wear and tear, which means that its quality may begin to go down with time, revealing soft spots, discoloration, and cracks.

Here is how you will know when it is time to replace your home’s stucco. 

You Can Spot Cracks on Your Stucco

While one small crack may not be enough cause for alarm, numerous large cracks over ¼” wide often indicate structural problems such as water intrusion damage, lack of proper expansion joints, and foundation heaving. If you have noticed large cracks on your stucco, you need to contact a San Diego Stucco specialist and have the specialist replace your stucco before it leads to further issues. 

Your Stucco Is Discolored

If your stucco is discolored, it can be a sign that water has seeped into and settled behind the stucco. To spot discoloration, look for black or dark brown patches or patches that are darker than your original stucco color. If you find black or dark brown patches, especially around areas such as the window, it may indicate a bigger problem related to mold or mildew. In this case, you should have a San Diego Stucco specialist replace your home’s stucco before the problem develops into a severe mold or mildew infestation.  

You Notice Soft Spots or Indentations

When you notice soft spots or indentations on your home’s stucco, you need to act fast because there could be water damage beneath the plaster. In most cases, water damage requires extensive structural repairs that may involve removing mold and rot. It is best to call a San Diego Stucco specialist to replace your stucco so as to minimize future repairs and prevent further damage.

Gaping on Window and Door Edges

Gaping or holes around windows and doors are often caused by poor stucco installation. They are not immediately visible; however, with time, they can become more obvious and further deteriorate the condition of your stucco. To prevent this from happening, contact a San Diego stucco specialist and have the specialist replace your stucco. 

Your Stucco Is Crumbling

Crumbling stucco can be caused by improper stucco installation, the vibrations of opening and closing windows, pest infestations, and water damage. As stucco gradually crumbles away, the problem becomes worse because the structural integrity of the stucco is compromised, and water can seep inside, creating the perfect environment for mold or mildew. 

When you notice crumbling stucco, you need to get in touch with a stucco specialist who will evaluate your stucco, identify the cause of the crumbling, and replace the stucco as needed. 

Contact a San Diego Stucco Specialist

Stucco is a nice-looking exterior finish, but it is not indestructible. If your stucco has cracks, is discolored, has soft spots or indentations, or has crumbled, it is a good idea to have the stucco replaced before it starts creating conditions that promote mold and mildew growth or it compromises the structural integrity of your building.


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