How to Protect Yourself Financially Before a Divorce 

Protect Yourself Financially

Last Updated on February 8, 2024

Disasters appear far away when you’re caught in the euphoria of starting a new relationship. Marital breakups are much more prevalent than many realize. More than half of all marriages end in divorce. It’s a good idea to consider how to financially protect yourself through a divorce (and other money problems) if you’re dealing with insurance claims and broken dishes. Protect Yourself Financially may help alleviate some of the stress and give you a better perspective on your position.

Organize Financial Records- Protect Yourself Financially

One of the most important things to do before a divorce is to organize financial records. You will want to make a list of all of your assets and debts, including important information such as account numbers, contact information, and value. You will want to keep your tax returns, bank statements, credit card statements, and other financial information. It is helpful to get a copy of your spouse’s tax returns as well.

Hiring a divorce attorney in Indianapolis is the best way to ensure that all your paperwork is filled out correctly. For example, if you’re sharing a pension or retirement plan, your lawyer will certainly have to submit a QDRO to the courts. A qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) is a court order in the United States that divides a retirement plan or pension by recognizing joint marital ownership rights in the plan, especially the former spouse’s stake in that spouse’s portion.

There is a possibility that you will not be authorized to collect your half even though you are entitled to it under the rules of your divorce,” she says. For example, the court may not care about evidence of your spouse’s infidelity, but it will care about proof of your assets, so start putting together as many documents as you can now. However, you should not depend just on electronic copies. When a vengeful spouse chooses to change the passwords on every joint account, print everything down, so you don’t lose access to your data. Bank statements, taxes, and business reports from the last few years are all in this collection of bank statements, taxes, and notices.

Create Plan for Taxes- Protect Yourself Financially

Do not take assets that have not been taxed while the other person receives tax-free assets. It’s not uncommon for one spouse to get $875,000 in retirement funds, while the other earns $875,000 from a checking and brokerage account combined. It may seem fair at first glance, but it’s unjustified. The wife’s taxes aren’t going to be affected in this situation, but the husband’s are. ” Regardless of your marital status, Uncle Sam wants his bill paid. However, the tax consequences of a divorce are typically overlooked by married couples. Before you sign anything, be sure you know exactly what you’re committing to; otherwise, the division of assets may be less equal than it looks.

Open a Separate Account

Get personal checking and savings accounts today if you don’t already have them. Organize separate bank accounts for yourself and your spouse now. Some people worry that their ex-spouse will take their whole savings out of a joint account if they have everything in it. It is a genuine possibility, but the court is unlikely to approve it unless there is a compelling justification. If you’re afraid you’ll be left with nothing if you inform your ex that you want separate accounts, you might want to take half of the money out of your joint account. However, it would help to inform your soon-to-be-ex of your actions promptly. Stay true to your word this time around.

When you create a new bank account, transfer 50% of your available cash to your new account as quickly as feasible. Ensure that any direct payments from your employer or other appropriate sources are updated to reflect your new account. Many divorcing couples find themselves in a position where they have to rebuild their lives from the ground up after their ex-partner emptied the bank of all of their money.

Don’t Hide Money

In most cases, keeping financial secrets is simply a bad idea. It’s like the old saying: keeping things from your spouse only makes it worse in the long run. This can cause an escalation of hostilities and drain both parties of much-needed resources. The one thing you don’t want to do is hide the money; you might give your soon-to-be-ex more reasons to be vindictive or litigious. Instead, consider getting help from a professional who has gotten divorced before and can give you specific, personalized advice on how to go about protecting your finances during this divorce process!

Hire a Divorce Attorney

In an uncontested divorce, you may not need a lawyer if you and your spouse have a good relationship. However, if you’re feeling very agitated, you should consult with an attorney. You’re covered under the law if you’re worried about losing your money or having your accounts frozen. Any funds in danger may be frozen, or cash can be freed to cover your living and legal costs. Divorce attorneys often can exclude your ex’s recent withdrawals from a joint account, the purchase of major gifts for a third party, the transfer of money, or the taking on of significant debt from the settlement if they can prove that your ex took these actions in anticipation of the divorce. Make sure you have a competent divorce lawyer in Indianapolis on your side.