Lab-as-a-Service: A Beginner’s Guide


Last Updated on February 18, 2024

In this guide, we intend to show you some of the best ways to market your lab as a service business. In that case, we assume that you already have your lab. What is left is getting the word out there to attract customers willing to invest in the services you provide.

Here are the five killer marketing tips for your lab-as-a-service business.

Direct Marketing Campaigns

To achieve success within a short duration, you need to begin with a deep market analysis. Without accurate analysis of the market, you won’t be able to do the right things from the start.

You want to do things like industry analysis, so get familiar with the trends and growth areas. Remember, this is one of the best things you could delegate to an intern. They will do everything for you as you focus on other key areas of your business.

You must not forget to analyze the current customer base as well. Find out who your best clients are and why. Through analysis, you will know what your clients share in common and how you can tap on it.

Enhance Your Social Media Presence

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are some of the most powerful social media platforms we have today. The platforms give you the best chance to communicate with your customers and create strong brand awareness.

Using social media, you can show your potential clients that you are an expert in the lab as a service business. If you do things right, you will win their trust. You need to do more than just writing posts that highlight the services you provide.

You also need to link to other helpful online resources to teach people about water testing laboratories, and why they need them. Social media platforms have tools that you can use to build rapport with your current and potential clients.

Seek Referrals from Present Customers

Note that your primary marketing goal is to win as many customers as possible. As you do that, you must never forget to touch base with your present clients. That way, you will have an opportunity to upsell more services that they might need.

They may have regular orders for a given standard service. But at the moment, they might need special services like sample pickups. With survey or customer interviews, you can discover everything your laboratory might help them with.

After that, seek their consent to quote them as part of your customer testimonials. If they are okay with the idea, go ahead and do it without wasting time.

Look For In-Person Marketing Opportunities

Your laboratory should be involved with the local community. You will be able to build strong in-person connections with the locals. For instance, you can decide to host a lab tour, sponsor local events, and even public education campaigns.

It is also possible to connect with the public through things like local fundraisers or even litter-pickup days. These might seem like little things, but they will help many people recognize your brand.

Another good idea is to attend various events where you can find more customers. If you boost your creativity, marketing your company should not be a challenge.

Refresh Your Website

The tips we have shared out there will make potential customers develop an interest in your laboratory. But how will they learn more about the services you provide? If they trust in you, they want to know everything through your website.

Today, many customers will visit your website before placing an order. Thus, work on your site and make sure it provides the best first impression. If potential customers look at it, they need to see that your company is run by an expert.

To give your website a facelift, there are things you can’t do without. For example, you need to add new images, delete outdated information, such as the services you no longer offer. You also need to update your website with new posts that the internet users will find useful.

Closing Thoughts

That is how you are supposed to market your lab as a service business, especially if you are a beginner. It is easy to think that the techniques are hard, but things will slow once you get started. If you are not good at marketing, some of these things can be done by interns. Do you have more questions? Leave us a comment below.