5 Ways to Enhance Televised Sports

Televised Sports

Let’s face it: Nothing can replace the thrill of watching a sporting event live. There’s a reason why 135,000 spectators flock to the Indy 500 and college football games regularly top out over 100,000 in attendance.

Sometimes, though, our only option is watching televised sports at home. It doesn’t have to be dull, though — in fact, you can have just as much fun (or maybe even more) than you would in real life!

Here’s how to make watching sports on television an event in itself.

1. Location, Location, Location

Your living room couch might be fine for family movie night, but could you come up with a more creative location for game day?

If you have a backyard deck or patio, take the game outside. All you need is an extension cord, some comfy chairs or bean bags, and a cooler full of drinks.

2. Prep Food & Drinks Ahead of Time

Don’t wait until the last minute to figure out your menu. Stock up on beer or the ingredients you’ll need for cocktails at least a day or two ahead of game day. To save time, mix those margaritas ahead of time or slide a tray of Jello shots into the fridge the night before.

What about snacks? Bake some themed cupcakes or frosted cookies to celebrate your favourite team’s upcoming victory. Think easy finger foods like chips and dip or a charcuterie platter.

Bonus tip: Stock your freezer with frozen snacks in case you run out of food faster than you anticipated!

3. Place a Friendly Bet

Even if you and your friends aren’t usually gamblers, why not place a few friendly wagers on the upcoming game?

For example, you could ask everyone to look up the best NBA picks and score predictions. Then, on game night, everyone places their bets and tosses their wager into a pot. A little friendly competition will make watching the game that much more interesting!

4. Decorate & Dress for the Occasion

Dust off all that memorabilia and use it to turn your party location into an homage to sports. Hang up a game-day banner, display your autographed items, and ask everyone to wear their team apparel.

It’s the perfect way to get everyone into the spirit!

5. Set up Some Low-Key Games

No matter how exciting the game is, you’ll still have some downtime during commercial breaks or half-time. No doubt everyone will want to hang out and celebrate after the game is over too.

Plan ahead by setting up an area for card games, cornhole toss, or beer pong. Trivia games are always a popular option, too, especially if they’re themed around your favourite players and teams.

Have a Blast Watching Televised Sports

Watching sports on TV may not have the same thrill factor as attending a live game. Still, by using the suggestions outlined above, you can host a great party while you enjoy watching televised sports.

Now that you know how to enhance sports viewing at home, what’s next? Keep browsing our site for more stellar tips and advice!


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