Air Con Clean offering the best Air Conditioner Cleaning Brisbane

best Air Conditioner Cleaning

Last Updated on July 5, 2021

Your AC works hard all day long to keep your apartment cool and comfortable. That’s why it’s essential to keep your AC running smoothly. Maintaining the efficient functioning of your air conditioning unit is necessary for many reasons. It’s one way to make sure that your home is comfortable all summer long, and it’s one way to prevent the occurrence of catastrophic breakdowns in the heat of the summer. In addition, with regular maintenance of your air conditioning system with the best air conditioner cleaning, you will see a reduction in your energy bills and a longer lifespan for your air conditioner. Follow these cleaning and tune-up tips to keep your system running like new:

  1. Replace or clean the air filter

Cleaning or replacing air filters is one of the most important tasks you need to do for your AC. If your AC has a reusable filter, you can use a vacuum cleaner with brushes to clean it. If it’s not reusable, just replace it outright. You can consult your nearest expert about the frequency of this. Since air conditioners tend to work harder in urban areas than semi-urban or rural ones, a good rule of thumb is cleaning or replacing the air filter once a month during the warmest and coldest months of the year and once every two months during fall and spring. 

Did you know that a dirty air filter can make your AC work harder than what’s needed? Depending on the brand and model, it could even be the cause of your AC stopping working altogether. An unclean filter can also pass irritants to the air you breathe, thus putting you and your loved ones at risk of developing allergies and asthma

2. Check the wiring

Before you unhook all the wires:

  • Cut off the electricity supply to your unit.
  • Lift the access panel and check for melted insulation on any cables or melted plastic on the contactor switch.
  • Check for loose connections by gently tugging on each wire.

Pitting and rusting are common, but you might want to replace your contactor switch if there is a great deal of pitting or rusting present. Also, if you find any loose wiring, tighten it up. 

If you’re a first-timer, this may be too much information. To ensure your safety, we recommend hiring Air Conditioner Cleaning Brisbane to do it for you.

3. Check the thermostat

These little magical devices are responsible for your perfect indoor temperature. They regulate the heat or AC in your home, so it is always at a comfortable level. If you are using a thermostat around since the nineties, know that programmable models will help you stay comfortable all year long. With a quick press of a button, you can program it so that when no one’s home, it turns up the temperature and brings it down to the desired level before you come home. This way, you’ll come back to a comfortable setting and save the energy that would have otherwise gone into running your AC the entire day.

4. Inspect the condenser’s fan

If your air conditioner makes too much noise, it might be because the condenser’s fan is not working properly. To fix this issue, make sure that the unit’s power supply is turned off and carefully examine the condenser’s fan by taking a closer look at the blades. If you notice any cracks or chips, you will need to replace the fan and place oil on its bearings. 

5. Clean the AC from outside

Every homeowner is aware that the outside of the air conditioner accumulates a lot of debris. But they just ignore this fact or clean it once in a while. The problem starts when these leaves, dirt, grass clippings, and dead insects are left undisturbed over time and start to build up, reducing the airflow but also making your system work harder. 

Keeping the condenser coil clean will help to improve its performance and efficiency. Most air conditioners come with a removable cover that protects the unit from dirt and debris that accumulates over time. While it is recommended to have your AC condenser cleaned once a year, cleaning it at least twice a year can make a difference in how your AC works.