What to Talk About With a Girl to Interact and Bond Better

What to talk about with a girl
What to talk about with a girl

Last Updated on July 4, 2021

Saying hello is the easiest thing to start a conversation. But to continue it, you need to know exactly what to talk about with a girl.

Many guys want to learn what to talk about with a girl without making her feel bored or losing interest. Having a good conversation is definitely a skill and an art that attracts women the most.

How you initiate or continue a conversation can affect your relationship later. It has the ability to build or ruin it completely.

So, in this article, we will tell you some of the common likable, safe, and interesting topics that will help you speak to a girl most attractively.

So read ahead if you wish to know how to speak to a girl!

What to talk about with a girl?

If you are looking for the best ways to speak to a girl, read ahead! Here are some topics that you can initiate talking about to take the conversation forward. Check out the following:

Situation and surrounding

If you are meeting her face to face, you can talk about the surrounding of the place you are guys are in. You can talk about general topics like weather, nature, etc. The subject can sound a little boring, but it is essential to talk about general things at first rather than jumping into someone’s private life. This boring topic will make both of you comfortable talking to each other. And gradually help you both ease out with each other.

Schooling, college, and early life

Talking about school and college can be a great way to get the conversation going. In that, you will get an introduction about her, and it will help you guys know each other better. Ask her about her schooling, college life, her early life, her childhood.


Now the next topic can be hobbies. This topic will help you get to know her a little bit more gradually, and she will also know you. Ask about her hobbies or what she enjoys doing the most in her leisure time.

You share your hobbies too with her. Because hobbies in some way describe a person’s character and their inner self too, apart from knowing a girl better, this topic can actually help you to let your conversation get going.

You can have hobbies in common where you can talk more about them. Otherwise, you can learn about new things by talking about each other’s hobbies.

Art and culture

Another subject you can focus on is art and culture. You can readily take this topic will consecutively come after talking about hobbies. So from the next time when you get confused about what to talk about with a girl don’t forget this subject. You ask her about what art form she is most interested in. If you also like that art form, then you can quickly get your conversation going.

Otherwise, if you don’t know about that art, you can show interest in learning a new art from her. You can also share your favorite art form. You can talk about movies, music, singers, and actors. Ask her which genre of film she likes the most.

Let the conversation about art and culture go by asking her about her favorite actor, singer, and songs. By this, you can exchange your likings and dislikes. You can find something common, which will help you to hike up your conversation.

Share your experiences

After that, you can share your experiences in life, making her share her experience with you. It can be about a past tour where you or she has faced some adverse or extraordinary situation. Otherwise, it can just be about your job life experience.

Sharing your experiences will definitely help your conversation get going, and on the other hand, you will get to know each other better.

What to talk about with a girl on a date

What to talk about with a girl in middle school?

Now, this may be a bit more overwhelming for a guy trying to make a move on a girl for the first time in middle school. But don’t worry! We will suggest some tips about what to talk about with a girl in middle school:

Get her attention first

To make yourself noticeable enough, you have to get her attention in the first place. So first, introduce yourself properly. Do not act like you own the world. Stay humble and ask her name. She will notice your politeness and will be interested in you.

Always remember that the first impression is crucial here. She will remember what you made her feel the first time. So if your first impression is good enough, then the rest of the road will not be so hard.

Ask about her family

If it’s all about getting to know her better, then start with asking about her family. Ask where her family lives and how many members are there. Try to see if she is an only child or if she has any other siblings.

If she has one, then ask her his/her name. You can also try to know what kind of relationship she shares with them as you must understand that family makes us what we really are.

Know her friends

Girls love to talk about them with whom they like to spend time. So try asking about her friend circle. By doing this, you can have an obvious idea of what kind of person she really is. You will notice how she opens herself up before you and gets more comfortable talking with you.

Know her preferences

Start a small talk about what color she likes the most or which subject she loves studying. Also, you may ask what her favorite food is.

But be sure you ask one question at a time and take it slow. Don’t pressure her into answering. If she doesn’t want to answer a particular question of yours, then let it go. Just remember that your job is to make her comfortable and not to let her lose interest in you.

Try solving her problems

One of the most valuable ways of getting to her head is to make her life easy. You can begin by trying to help with her lessons. Maybe she is not that good in math like you are, so you start by spending some time helping her overcome the difficulties.

Praise her

Don’t forget to give her compliments frequently. Just try to make it realistic and stick to the basics like ” I love the way you laugh” or ” I really like your eyes.” Let her know what you like the most about her.

Of course, it is needless to say that keep your genuine mode on! Don’t flatter someone if you don’t feel it entirely from the heart!

Don’t order off the menu

While you have to be close with someone, that doesn’t mean you can cross your boundaries. Never raise topics that make the girl uncomfortable. It is best if you live up to your reputation so that she can share anything with you. So try to know where your boundaries are.

Stay in touch

Whenever you cross paths with her, try saying a simple’ Hi’ or ‘ Hello.’ Be it in a hallway or the middle of a class, never ignore her. And be sure this will send a message to the girl that you’re not taking her for granted, and you are very serious about her.

Get to know her better

What to talk about with a girl in High school?

When you go to a high school, things become a bit more complicated. As you age, your priorities change but your confusion about what to talk about with a girl could remain the same.

So here we are teaching you some tricks on what to talk about with a girl in high school:

Keep it simple

Going to high school doesn’t give you the license to try different things or overreact a bit. You have to begin the conversation with a simple greeting. Do not overthink, and do not try too hard.

Start by asking each other’s names and gradually proceed with the conversation!

Ask her for a favor

Tell her, ” I forgot to bring my pens. Would you mind if I borrow a pen from you?” Or ask her to guide you through the chapter the teacher taught the other day. But again, do not try too hard and do not ask her to help you out every single time because she will notice what you’re trying to do here.

Speak positive

Be calm before you approach a girl. Take a deep breath. And this will help you calm your nerves. Try not to speak about any complicated matters. Please talk about the weather, movies, or sports and get to know where her interests lie. Do not argue about anything that goes against your opinion. Just try to keep the conversation friendly!

Take her number

When you get to know her better and show some trust in you, ask her for the phone number. She will definitely give you social media contacts. But again, do not keep at her all the time. No one likes a person who tries to investigate him/her. So, keep it gradual and straightforward.

Ask simple questions

Never burden her with serious questions. Please keep it simple and small so that the conversation gets more manageable. Try asking” how was your day” or “what nice weather we’re having. What do you think?”  And be sure this will not complicate the matter between you two.

Praise her

No one in the world can deny liking praises. So, how can girls? And you can never go wrong with this one! Girls love to feel special sometimes, so it is up to you to make her feel like one.

Talk about how nice her clothes are, or those suit her. But you have to be careful there. You must never talk about her physical features or body parts because that would be disrespecting her in every possible way.  Talk about her smile or her voice, but never bring up her lips or butts.

Things to talk about with a girl on phone

When you take your relationship to the next level, you’re confused again, wondering what things to talk about with a girl on the phone? But again, when you’re in a problem, we are at your rescue. Here is a list of things you can start talking about initially when you’re talking to a girl:

  • Discuss some films she has watched recently and which movie is her favorite among them. Ask her about her favorite web series and tell her yours too
  • Ask about her favorite holiday destination
  • Find out about the things she loves to do the most in her spare time
  • Talk about pets. Know whether she is a cat person or a dog person
  • Find out what you two have in common. And this will help you understand her better
  • Ask about what was her childhood like
  • If she loves to read, then you find out what was the last book she read and who is her favorite author
  • Please share your best memories with her. And say that you wish to make new memories with her
  • If she likes sports, then it would be great to discuss it
What to talk about with a girl
What to talk about with a girl texting

Interesting topics to talk with a girl

Apart from the topics here, we are giving some tips to help you out about what to talk about with a girl. 

Talking to a girl sometimes can be easy, but lifting her interest in you can be tricky. So now we will be suggesting some exciting topics to talk about with a girl. 

  1. A girl can talk to you yet cannot take an interest in you. So choosing the right topic to talk to a girl about to keep her interest growing is very important.
  2. Above all, you need to know that it is your confidence which gives you an extra advantage. Do not act nervous while talking with a girl face to face or on the phone. Just boost your confidence level but then again, do not get overconfident. So act naturally in front of her and try to give her your full attention and don’t think much about what to talk about with a girl. That is how you will also get her full attention, and she will take extra interest in you.
  3. Another important thing is the awkward silence, which can be frustrating at times. So you have to keep in mind that your conversation must be attractive. Once you have the girl’s full attention, be careful to maintain that. Of course, give her some personal space too.

We now hope you’ve got your answers to the questions you were looking for! So, take these tips, and we’re sure you’re good to go!