Why choose a sectional sofa?

Purchasing Sectional Sofas

Last Updated on February 25, 2024

The answer is simple. Sectional sofas are the best!

I will be going into this with obviously more detail.

With Los Angeles being the hotspot for producing the finest sectional sofas around, the selection is sure to convince anyone to purchase one.

Its main selling point is its flexible design. The flexible design provides the surest of comfort by extending one part of the sofa length ways, this part is known as the chaise.

The other part is extended through width. A perfect yet delicately fine contrast I must say,

As It works both for resting your legs, sleeping or chilling.

Before you have the luxury of having this special sofa being delivered to your doorstep, you have to first get a few things right.

Remember, it’s about getting that perfect sofa for you not just a standard sectional sofa,

Here we go!

All about that chaise

That’s right, it’s all about the chaise,

Picking this part is going to be fundamental to not only your comfort but your overall home interior.

Your main chaise options include: right, left, reversible, longback, return, double chaise and u design.

Ok, so what’s the difference between all of these?

The standard right and left option are pretty straight forward. You can choose between having the chaise either on the left or right side. Once you choose, it usually has a fixed state.

A reversible chaise gives you the option of changing between any side of the sofa at any time, just by moving the cushions around.

The long back is really made for people who want as much as legroom as possible, we all have that one friend.

The return feature has a more distinct quality. It acts as an extension from the sofa but with a different shape, that of a typical chaise.

A sofa with this feature will typically have greater width.

A Double chaise has two chaises at both sides, pretty self explanatory.

For all the party hosters, the U design is the most well suited of them all. It has similar attributes to the double chaise feature by having two chaises on both sides. However, the width is designed to be much wider.

Making it a perfect sofa to fit right into a big room or a movie night for the whole family.

Other features to watch out for

You will most likely have the option of choosing your fabric.

The best sectional sofas come in a more pale and finer coloured fabric, like light blues or a pale pink and white.

You will be able to find some with a more harsh colour but they usually come in more pale colours.

In my opinion, these colours work best for home interior work, as they serve as a nice complimentary feature to the surroundings.

Choosing the exact size dimensions is going to be important. You will have the option to modify the sofa’s width and depth and the chaise length.

Consider all three of these and how you can correct each option to best suit you.

For all the sleepy heads out there, the best sectional sofa websites give you the option to convert the sectional sofa into a bed.

You may have to pay a little extra for this, but it could be pretty beneficial.


All in all, pricing is another point to take into consideration. These luxury sofas don’t come cheap, with their starting price over $3,500.

You will get a few more options to edit your sectional sofa but the most important ones are layout, fabric and dimensions.

You must first choose a layout that best suits you and more importantly your home environment, where to put the chaise is going to dictate this to a huge extent.

Once you have identified this, choosing your dimensions is going to be easier.

You will have a lot of options when it comes to choosing your fabric, but just a reminder they usually come in pale colours.