What to do with your home’s spare room


Last Updated on March 22, 2024

People that have a spare room in their home will look for different ways to utilize the room. It is all about finding out what concept will make the home enjoyable. 

The Library

There are a ton of people that would love to have that extra spare room in the home that is not being utilized. This is great for anyone that may be collecting a lot of books. It is ideal for book lovers to turn a spare room into their personal library. People have the ability to add bookshelves and collect some of their favorite books.

The Theater Room

It may be time to look at the benefits of a theater if there is a spare room. People have the ability to create a theater design with a large screen where they can enjoy their favorite television shows and movies in these types of environments. It is a good idea to look at what they can do to make the theater room much more appealing. This may include reclining seats. A popcorn stand and a miniature concession stand can also be added to the room to give it the full effect. It is something that will totally transform and even increase the value of the home.

Extra Storage 

Another thing that tends to work well for those that have a spare room in the house is the storage room. There are a ton of people that have items that do not fit into any specific bedroom. When multiple people inside the home are using the same items, it makes more sense to consider a storage room that is accessible to everyone in the home. 

When you use the extra space for storage it allows you to keep your home neater. It is not uncommon for people that do not have proper storage space to put items all over the house because they have nowhere to store the items. 

Game Room

Another thing that makes sense for a spare room is a game room design concept. A lot of families like to play games. Those family units that have a spare room in the home may be interested in a pool or air hockey table. There are so many options for people that would like to establish a game room environment. This is a fun option for the homeowners that have been looking for an idea for changing their empty room into a fun space.


There are a lot of people that work from home. There is a great need for the home office in many homes. A spare room can work well for people that have this type of need. A lot of people that work from home need to be able to break from the bed or the sofa. They need an official desk and chair combination to get into the mind frame to do work. This is why the home office is so important for those that are working from home.

The home office is one of the best ways to make sure you get your work done if you work from home. The idea of working in the bed may seem alluring initially, but most people that work from home are much more productive when they have access to a home office. 

Guest Bedroom

It’s easy to turn a room into an extra bedroom if you have the space. The homeowner that is inviting family over for holidays can always benefit from a spare room for guests that are coming into town. This is a great way to transform a room into something helpful for guests that you may be entertaining for the weekend. 

More people have the ability to invite guests on a regular basis when they have sufficient space. The extra room definitely comes in handy for a new baby or a college student that may be coming back home as well.