Food Safety: 6 Simple Hacks For Keeping Your Kitchen Hygienic

Kitchen Hygienic

Last Updated on March 23, 2024

Keeping your house clean is a crucial task that any homeowner knows to do. Each room in the home requires different and particular care to ensure that you keep them clean.

For example, cleaning your bedroom is different from when you’re cleaning your kitchen.

Your kitchen is where you prepare your food, so it’s only right that you make sure that you keep it clean as often as possible. You can start by maintaining a cleaning schedule for your kitchen.

However, there are other ways you can change your cleaning habits to ensure that you keep your kitchen as hygienic as possible. On that note, here are six simple hacks that you can do to keep your kitchen clean and tidy:

Store foods properly

One of the things that you should be more particular about would be how you store the food in your fridge.

How you store your food will help maintain them for a long time in the refrigerator and keep them edible. If you don’t store your food correctly, this can lead to cross-contamination and, in some cases, even food poisoning.

First off, make sure that you properly secure the food before you store it into your refrigerator. Securing your food prevents cross-contamination while in storage.

Another crucial tip for storing cooked food in the fridge is to ensure that the food is room temperature or lower before you put it in. If you put warm food in the refrigerator, the food won’t cool evenly. If the food doesn’t cool evenly, then it can lead to food poisoning.

Wipe kitchen countertops

Your kitchen countertops need as much tender loving care as possible since this is likely the place where you prep your food before cooking them.

Proper maintenance for your kitchen countertops is quite simple. All you need to do is ensure that you wipe down the kitchen counters after every use.

You don’t even need to wipe it down with antibacterial solutions all the time. According to the people at Planet Maid Cleaning Services NYC, water and soap will do the trick. Not only will it keep everything tidy, but it will also stop bacteria from spreading all over your countertops.

Avoid piles of dirty dishes

We all have those lazy days when we don’t want to do anything, and you want to leave the tasks for tomorrow. Often, the first thing that we want to forego would be our dirty dishes after cooking dinner and when our bellies are full.

It feels like the type of task that won’t have any adverse effects if we leave it for tomorrow. However, leaving dirty dishes to pile up in the sink has a lot of adverse effects in terms of hygiene. What ends up happening is that tons of bacteria will make your dirty dishes their new breeding ground.

You don’t want that happening on the surfaces of something that you eat food all the time. Therefore, you should make sure that you don’t leave behind your dishes no matter how lazy you’re feeling.

Replace sponges every two weeks

A lot of households everywhere are guilty of not replacing their kitchen sponges as often as they should be. But what you should be doing is replacing your kitchen sponges every two weeks.

Instead of letting laziness get to you, you should know why you should be replacing sponges every two weeks.

According to microbiologists, your kitchen sponges (and anything you use to clean your dishes) are the most bacteria-ridden item in your home. They are even more bacteria-ridden than toilets.

Given this fact, it makes sense why you should replace your sponges every two weeks.

Take the trash out regularly

We’ve all seen the leaning tower of pizza boxes atop our garbage bins at one point. Again, it’s all due to a tad bit of laziness. However, you should still make sure that you take the trash out regularly.

Don’t let a full trash bin sit in your house to marinate for days. Not only is it unhygienic, but it’s also going to attract pests and all sorts of creatures to come crawling into your home.

Therefore, once the trash bin is full, make sure that you toss it out as soon as you can.

Always wash your hands

Recently, people have become more conscious of how important it is to develop a habit of washing your hands.

This practice shouldn’t stop, especially when you’re in your kitchen. Germs can spread fast, and you don’t want them in your food. Therefore, make sure that you clean your hands before you prepare your food.


Keeping your kitchen hygienic should be something that you do all the time and not only when you’re cleaning your entire house.

Maintaining the cleanliness of your kitchen reduces the likelihood of your food getting contaminated. At the same time, it reduces your major cleaning tasks at home in the long run.

The six simple hacks listed above are but a few of the many different ways you can keep your kitchen hygienic. Try and experiment to see which ones work better for you, as long as you have a clean kitchen by the end of it all.