Last Updated on March 5, 2023
Are you equally frustrated because there’s a lockdown in your country or state due to the coronavirus pandemic? Are you losing out on ways to spend time or make it fruitful? Do you simply want to not look at the news to keep away from the escalating number of COVID 19 cases across the world? We’ve got you covered!
Yes, the world is going through one of the worst phases ever and all we can do it hang in there and chant “this too shall pass”! Of course, you must take the necessary precautions in order to keep the virus from getting into your system, but it is time to break from thinking and talking about the COVID 19 cases and just concentrate on something better.
Ways to fight the lockdown blues
Here are some of the interesting things to do during the lockdown to make use of your time more effectively:
1. Appreciate
Take out a moment and think about the things that need to be valued more than you actually do appreciate them. For example, the time that you’re spending with your family during the lockdown isn’t going to return once everything is back on track. Right now, kids are spending more time with parents and oldies with grandchildren.
If you’re living in with your partner you have more time to understand each other and spend time doing things you never had time for. People living alone can utilize this time to build themselves and concentrate on things they haven’t. Pick up that book that you couldn’t finish for work or start that blog that you always wanted to. Now is the time to give yourself and your loved ones – a time that might never return.
2. Give time to your pets
If your family includes pets as well, it is time to give them the time they’ve always wanted. We often don’t realize how lonely our pets feel when they are locked-in home alone. Most of them wait for you to return home from work every night and they’re reaction shows you how it feels.
At this time, you’d realize what it feels like to be around the house all day. Small pets can suffice running around inside an apartment, but if you have big dogs, you’d have to take them out. Give time your pets by giving them a great wash, grooming them, or simply spending all your time with them.
3. Work from home
Most of the people across the world right now are working from home. We added this point not to remind you that you don’t have an option but to work, but how to plan your day instead.
Since you’re not going to be commuting to the office, utilize that time to do something productive (plenty options below); but in order to make your home turn into an office space, you need to make some changes.
At first, you will need to seclude yourself from other family members in order to work undisturbed. If you need to share the room, figure out how to adjust and have your space. Track the time that you’re at work and make sure you’re being as productive as usual. It will not only help you maintain your schedule but also help your employer extract your productivity.
You must know that remote work can become the future. After the pandemic is over, several companies are likely to make work from home an option for their employees. There are a lot of people who need such an option in order to maintain a work-life balance. Since it is about getting the work done, it really doesn’t matter how or where you’re doing it from. Remote work is the future of businesses as it not only helps employees but also reduces operational costs for companies. Thus, if you know what it is to work from home right now and can manage it well, you will not have a problem later.
4. Boost your immunity
According to the COVID 19 symptoms, the virus majorly affects our respiratory systems and makes our bodies weak forever. Somebody who is contracted with the virus will never go back to having the same breathing capacity as they once used to.
It is time to ditch those cigarettes and start having a healthier body. Maintaining weight, having the right kind of food, and exercising every day will keep up the immunity level. If you have the chance to get contracted with such a disease, your body should be able to fight it irrespective of age. Elderly people have the highest chance to not survive through the virus so young ones are advised to help them have a better lifestyle, and follow the same.
5. Binge-watch
Subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime, and all other entertainment platforms in order to binge-watch the series you have been wanting to. Let your body relax and allow itself to enjoy the ultimate indoor entertainment time.
6. Watch stand up comedies
We are all going through depressive emotions because we are uncertain about what is going to happen tomorrow. Many people are scared to lose jobs, economies are down, and people are suffering.
One of the smartest ways to divert your mind is to watch something that will make you laugh. Watch stand up comedy shows if you haven’t tried them before. You’d find many of them on YouTube and content streaming platforms.
7. Pick up an old hobby
Our lifestyles have made us so busy that we often don’t continue with things we once loved to do. No matter how basic your hobbies were, just go back to doing them. They will not only relive your memories but also break the stress and fear around the COVID 19 cases. (cialis)
Pick up that brush and pour out all the colors into the canvas. Learn that song you’ve been humming for a while but don’t know the lyrics. Go through YouTube tutorials to learn dance steps you’ve always wanted to. Most importantly, cook healthy treats at home because most of us don’t have the option of online food delivery because it’s not safe.
8. Connect with old friends
Now is a good time to video call all your college friends and ask them about their whereabouts. Probably, they too have some time to kill and would want to join in for a conference call. Ask them how they’re coping up with the COVID 19 blues and give them some tips if they need it. We need our friends and families at this time to share our struggles and build positivity.
9. Lend a helping hand
If you’re working from home but you usually don’t help around the house, it is time to lend a helping hand to the person who takes care of the house. It could be your spouse, kids, or the house-help. Most house-helps have been given leaves so you’re probably doing what it takes to work around the house.
It is a great time to give your home tiny makeovers and make the place look anew. It is inevitable to not like being caged inside four walls, so try and make it interesting for yourself. Paint a wall, shift the furniture, go for a complete cleaning process, and prepare for Easter.
10. Try wacky hair colors
If you’ve been wanting to go for a makeover but couldn’t because your office wouldn’t allow, it is time to do that! Color your hair pink, blue, green, or whatever you feel like. Even if you can’t go out, you can take innumerable selfies and share them on Instagram.
11. Play board games
When was the last time you played games out of your smartphones or laptop screens? It is time to indulge in some board games with your children. Let them learn to make words with Scrabble, let them know the right moves of Chess – it is time to live like a boomer because the world is giving us another chance.
12. Practice mindfulness
Since the lockdown is giving you more time, it is good to offer some towards mindfulness. Let us take a step back and think about what is going around in the world and how we can take it positively. For example, there is less pollution because the ozone layer has started healing, we can now hear birds chirping around, we can breathe fresh air from our balconies, and spend time in solitude even by living in a city.
If you start thinking about each of these, you will appreciate the environment and understand how nature takes control. You will allow yourself to immerse into the positive aspects of the present and get back stronger tomorrow.
13. Give in to those Instagram challenges
Social media right now is filled with posts because people have a lot more time to connect. From appreciation posts to playing GIF games on Insta stories, we’re doing it all. Don’t refrain yourself from thinking that they’re stupid. Make your set of challenges and post them for fun. Make your friends sing and dance, play games online, and do all sorts of fun stuff!
14. Care for your community
COVID 19 has made us consider the importance of basics. We now realize the difference between luxuries and necessities. It is important to not just stock up essentials for you and your family, but also consider what is going through for the community you belong to. It is time when we have to become a little more considerate about the people around us because we know it is important for us all.
Even though everyone is maintaining social distancing, we have to think about ways we can be of help. From contributing help towards people who are under our care in some way to realizing the measures we need to take to keep people safe is important.
15. Stay positive
It is extremely difficult to keep calm amidst the chaos that’s happening. But we have to understand that it is the only way we can get through this situation. We have to keep our heads high and look forward to getting better. Give yourself the time you didn’t have and do things that will make you a better version of yourself. Think about the time when everything will be alright and you will get back to your normal life. Appreciate what you’re missing out on right now to not take it for granted later.
16. Count your blessings
You might be surprised but if you’re inside your house, with enough food, and living with your loved ones, you’re luckier than a lot of people right now. You should count your blessings and think about the people fighting lives and the ones helping them get through the situation.
The COVID 19 cases show how deadly the virus is and how vulnerable people have become. Rather than complaining about the fact that you’re locked-down inside your house, think about the privilege that many others don’t have right now.
Final thoughts
The world has gone through worse scenarios and we will get through this too. It is time to stay positive and try to cope up with the changes our life is putting us through. There is something to learn in every situation and this will bring out the best of us one day.
Spread love and feel loved, look into the brighter side and you will see the good things. Most importantly, follow the safety measures of staying clean, using hand sanitizers, keeping hands off your face, and doing your bit by staying home to save the world!