8 Coffee Gadgets Every Coffee Fanatic Needs for Their Kitchen

coffee gadgets

Last Updated on March 2, 2023

If there’s one national obsession, it’s coffee. Coffee has become a bit of a specialist subject, and why not? Most of us have a cup every single day.

Okay, more than one cup.

It’s hard to imagine there are any more coffee gadgets out there but the industry keeps surprising us. From solid staples to the newest inventions, every coffee obsessive needs the right gadgetry to get the perfect brew.

If you want to know which coffee gadgets you’re missing from your life, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to discover how to get better coffee, more easily.

1. AeroPress

If you don’t have an AeroPress yet, what have you been up to? This remarkable espresso brewer is fun to use and makes exceptional coffee.

The secret to the success of AeroPress is its pure simplicity. Put in the filter, add the ground coffee, and fill with hot water. Press. Slurp. Yum.

The AeroPress is lightweight too, making it the perfect travel companion.

2. Automatic Milk Frother

The stereotypical advice for millennials wanting to save money is to quit buying takeout coffee. It’s so good though! Frothed milked is a big part of why takeout coffee can be so tasty.

Any coffee lover worth their beans needs a solid milk frother in the kitchen to replicate that smooth, creamy brew.

The Capresso Automatic Milk Frother is one of many auto milk frothers coming onto the market and you’ll fall in love with it straight away. You can select the option you want and get perfectly frothed milk, no scalding in sight.

3. Vintage Coffee Grinder

It used to be that drinking dark roast coffee was the highlight but now that’s all changed. Serious coffee aficionados have become obsessed with light roast coffee and buy green beans so they maintain total control.

If you’re going to that effort, you’ll need a stylish bean grinder to vamp up your kitchen space. Vintage hand-operated coffee grinders are easy to use, look amazing, and are much more interactive.

4. A Coffee Bible

You know those people who talk about coffee as though they have a PhD on it? Well, it’s time for you to read a book written by someone who really does know what they’re talking about.

The Craft and the Science of Coffee by Dr Britta Folmer is an incredible book that leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the coffee industry. This isn’t a coffee table book either (har har), it’s a serious and well-written piece of research.

After reading this, you’ll be an expert on coffee.

5. Temperature Changing Mug

So you’ve read up on coffee and you’ve frothed your milk but what happens when you get an important call? There’s nothing worse than watching your delicious coffee turn cold and not being able to do anything about it.

With the Ember temperature control mug, you can set the temperature you want your brew to sit at and it will stay there. Exciting, right?

This means that you can enjoy your coffee for longer, even in cooler air temperatures. You can set the temperature from the phone app too and there’s a charging coaster, so your juice will never run out of juice.

6. Handpresso Espresso Maker

Imagine being able to stop off in a remote place on your road trip and have a freshly brewed espresso. That’s right, no driving to a coffee shop, no waiting in line, just pure espresso when you want it.

The Handpresso Coffee Maker does exactly this. Using pods or ground coffee, all you need to do is plug it into the 12v charger in your car. In only two minutes your brew is ready to pour. (neworleansathleticclub.com)

Does it get much better than that?

7. Travel Coffee Grinder

Having a great coffee bean grinder in your kitchen has become essential for people who love coffee but what about on the go?

Does your office only have instant coffee or cheap grounds? Would you love to make coffee with freshly ground beans on your camping trip? Yeah, of course, you would, who wouldn’t?

There are lots of travel coffee grinders available nowadays so you’d better get yourself one quick. You can choose between hand-operated grinders and electric grinders that work at the touch of a button.

No more stale coffee grounds, we’re talking fresh all the way.

8. Vacuum Containers

Speaking of fresh coffee though, grinding beans every single time you want a brew can be a pain. This is especially true if you need caffeinated and decaf coffee. When you have ground coffee you won’t be using straight away, you’ll need to store it well.

The moment beans are ground, the coffee starts losing its flavor. Even worse, it begins absorbing the flavors of things around it. You’ll know what we mean if you’ve ever put ground coffee in the fridge near an onion.


To make sure your ground coffee stays as fresh as possible, you’ll need a couple of vacuum containers. The storage pots create a vacuum seal to prevent outside air getting to the coffee and spoiling its delicious aroma.

Always have at least two of these, one for caffeinated grounds and one for decaf. Don’t forget to label them either!

Transform Your Enjoyment With These Coffee Gadgets

Companies are always innovating and producing new technology that we don’t necessarily need. When it comes to coffee gadgets though, some are plain old essential.

Being able to grind coffee beans has become important to every coffee lover as the flavor is deeper and more aromatic. Getting a bean grinder for home and for traveling is an easy way to ensure great coffee.

Temperature controlled mugs are a fantastic invention that stop coffee from going to waste, especially in the winter. Taking your time to read up on coffee is fun too, and you’re guaranteed to learn much more than you bargained for.

With these gadgets, you’ll be able to take even more enjoyment in your everyday coffee. It’s always good to appreciate the things we consume.

Follow us for more great articles on the latest gadgets and getting the most out of your coffee.